Opinions on software


Junior member
I have started working on a project for a proprietary trading house regarding software that designs trading systems using historical price series. I would appreciate suggestions about specific software products that do exactly that but in addition make the code of the systems available so that their performance can be tracked forward. If anyone here has used such software your comments and suggestions will be greatly appreciated even if the software product is no longer available.
here is something that might work looking for historical price series Timing Solution ... specifically the tool within the software called "price pattern finder" : Timing Solution Advanced Version description

Thanks. I'm looking into this one. Also, if anyone has experience with the following products or has tested them I would appreciate any input:

Adaptrade Software : Trading Software : Day Trade Stock : Forex Day Trading System : Tradestation Strategies : Day Trader : Trading Systems
StrataSearch 4.5 - Automated Search for Trading Systems
The Most Advanced Tool for Analyzing Price Action and Discovering Trading Systems
Trading System Lab
I made the discovery on a trading logciel called million dollar pips, this forex robot help reduce the risk of loss up to 95%.
I would like to know your opinion on this forex robot.
I have never met EA that really brings money. May be I'm a bad reseacher. I came to the conclusion that if you use ea its essential to use traders hands as well. This can bring profit.
I have never met EA that really brings money. May be I'm a bad reseacher. I came to the conclusion that if you use ea its essential to use traders hands as well. This can bring profit.

Great post. I also don't think that completely automated trading can work well longer term. Experience and discretion is required for success. No money printing machines out there.

They are all good depending on how much work you would like to put to identify curve-fitting and other problems with their results. Could be a lot of work. No money printing machine out there. Simplicity favors the price action lab product.
When developing these kind of applications you should focus on the security side such as the ports you're going to use for linking up with market price.