Opening U.S Dollar Account in U.K


Junior member
I need to open an US$ Dollar Account in the UK.I contacted Barclays about 6 Months ago and they wanted $5,000 Minimum Balance in the Account.Is there any other Banks in the UK which will allow me to open an US$ Account with a smaller Minimum Balance,replys appreciated
Thanks for the feedback.Bank Scotland offer a good deal no Minimum,the only charge is 40 Pence per cheque if the balance goes below $5,000.
I use Citibank too .. great service .. have STG EUR and USD accounts with them. Pretty good exchange rates too (but not for trading !!)
I opened an Account with the Bank of Scotland.They set up the Pound Sterling Account very quickly(you cannot open a US Dollar account without first opening a sterling account)but the US Dollar account has taken ages to open.I have had to contact them at every stage to get the account opened.I give them 1 out of 10 for customer service so far.They have a serious lack of communication between the Business Banking Section and the International Banking Section.