For Sale
Online Trading Academy Course with Manuals - Full Days 1 to 7 set of 32 DVD's! 👍
Sells for over $5,000 retail, and normally over ~$200 used on Ebay
It's a great course, very thorough, and it has really helped me.
Any reasonable offer accepted.
Please mail me: [email protected]
(Can sell through Paypal if you would be more comfortable that way)
Rob G.
Online Trading Academy Course with Manuals - Full Days 1 to 7 set of 32 DVD's! 👍
Sells for over $5,000 retail, and normally over ~$200 used on Ebay
It's a great course, very thorough, and it has really helped me.
Any reasonable offer accepted.
Please mail me: [email protected]
(Can sell through Paypal if you would be more comfortable that way)
Rob G.