Online Short-Term Trading Simulator/Game


Junior member
Hi Guys,

I have an interview in a week that will have a segment they have called a "trading game". This is with a company called Liquid Capital. I am looking for some kind of online simulator or practice for what this game might entail i.e. a game that lasts for an hour, gives you streams of news and you have to do as well as you can on the information provided.

I know this may sound counter productive and I should just trade the markets but in these tests, its normally about how you respond to information in a short time rather than how much you make. So i need to practice my balls off so that i dont spend half of the game time figuring out whats going on.

So basically, a 1 hour trading simulator which tests your ability to process news into trading strategies. I shall be receiving the rules of the game early next week so hopefully they shall be shedding some light on it all, but i'd hate to waste the weekend doing nothing.

Thanks for your help guys!