Online LSE pivot points


Active member
Trying a few ideas out the first of which is online pivot points.

Simple interface, search by EPIC or do a wildcard search based on start of EPIC i.e. B, BA

Can be upgraded to provide pivot data for AMEX/NYSE at some point but like I say its just an idea for now. I'll put up the daily pivots each day this week and take it from there.

Please pass on any suggestions, problems encountered etc.

ColinRiche said:
Pivot points are now available and plotted in QuoteTracker

Is that in a new version of QT or available in older versions too? How do you get them plotted?

ColinRiche said:
Pivot points are now available and plotted in QuoteTracker

Thanks Colin. The obvious reply is that not every has/wants to install QuoteTracker just to get pivot points. I installed the latest version to see if it was any easier to navigate around and the answer is no. I'm no tech dummy but the software gives me a sore head trying to figure out functionality. Cant complain too much about software that is available for free of course, someone has put in a huge amount of time and effort, but making it more user friendly would be a big step forward.

OK, dummy question time. Where are the pivots accessed and how to I set it up to pick up UK stocks ? There is a simple answer in here somewhere, I just cant find it 😱

Pivot points are available from ver. 3.4.0 onwards

For UK stocks use ADVFN, MoneyAM or IB as a feed.
You will obviously need to sign up for an account first

Enter stock tickers into a portfolio
Double-click on the desired stock to get a chart up

To display pivot points right click on a chart and select indicators
In the upper indicator panel find Pivot Points and select

To display on all charts... right click on a chart and select...
make default and reset all
Thanks Colin. Will have a look tomorrow as I cant figure out how to pull up the currents days data. I think I'm in the right place but dont know if its a time thing, its set to 8.00 -> 4.30.

For that you will need back-fill

IB does not offer this and the other 2 require subscription

I always used to stay logged into the advfn feed from 8am - 4.30

Make sure your timing settings are correct ie. +5 for UK time etc.

If you pick up a feed tomorrow - Pivot Points will appear on Wednesday
Zenda said:
Very Neat - Pity no USA

Due to popular demand, OK it was Zenda 😉 I have updated the database to show stock pivots from LSE, NAS, NYSE, AMEX

Thats as much as I can do as I dont have EOD readily available for DAX which is the one I would like to add.

quotetracker:i loaded it now takes data feed from money am putting this on,i dont subscribe,only get the freebie.please let me know if it works well
ColinRiche said:

If you pick up a feed tomorrow - Pivot Points will appear on Wednesday

Off and running at last, useful for the charting most of all. Using it through MoneyAM. Thanks for the feedback.

dentist007 said:
quotetracker:i loaded it now takes data feed from money am putting this on,i dont subscribe,only get the freebie.please let me know if it works well

Yep, I'm using it from £AM as well, no problems, you do get a pop up window every so often though from £AM prompting you to sign up for real time streaming.
