One brokerage to rule them all and in the darkness bind them.....


Active member
Apologies regarding the naff LoR reference.

Are there any brokers / platforms where I can trade every and any financial market, such as futures, shares, cfd, etc. etc. all from the one account ?

No spreadbetting suggestions please.

*JDR* said:
Apologies regarding the naff LoR reference.

Are there any brokers / platforms where I can trade every and any financial market, such as futures, shares, cfd, etc. etc. all from the one account ?

No spreadbetting suggestions please.


Interactive Brokers may be the closest but no CFDs.
Saxobank does everything you're after, but expensive relative to IB, and a reputation for being a bucket shop around forex. You're probably better off with IB for shares, futures, options, bonds, warrants and you name it what else, and then have a seperate broker for CFDs if you really want them.
hmm.. Yes I am currently looking on the IB site...
I guess I have to work out the advantage of trading CFD's and see whether it is wothwhile.

Thanks for your help
*JDR* said:
hmm.. Yes I am currently looking on the IB site...
I guess I have to work out the advantage of trading CFD's and see whether it is wothwhile.

Thanks for your help
IB is ok but be aware you have to subscribe for market data for the likes of electronic markets via ecbot its free as long as you trade over 10-20 trades a month of something like that you get forex free but they are interbank quotes which seem to be different to other fx quotes also they tend to have slippage i say this because i made a comparison by trading electronic bonds via IB and MAN Financial exactly the same time and IB ended up costing me $31.25 per contract

i will try and attach a word doc so you can see the different costs



  • marketdata sub.doc
    239 KB · Views: 1,176
Thanks Andy.

Haven't looked at Internaxx, thanks LB.

The reason I am looking at this is because my "system" although in the very formative stages doesn't (shouldn't ?) care what the market is. Though it seems in reality if the cost is too high I may have to restrict myself to certain markets.

Thanks Again.
Internaxx looks good. Though, fees seem high and deposit interest seems low.

I also have a requirement to hold multiple currencies and trade in that currency, which Internaxx looks like it can do... if IB can it doesn't seem obvious.
Tradestation ?

They seem to be bundling software with brokerage.

I was going to buy Metastock, but......
take a look at GNI touch - they are part of Man financial and they offer direct access CFD's as well as everything else, forex and futures.

Not sure about rates, but worth a look: