Oil- Should exchanges stop its ascent - Hunt Brother Stylie.

Oil- Should exchanges stop its ascent - Hunt Brother Stylie.

  • Yes the exchanges should take action

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • No- Its a free market

    Votes: 6 85.7%
  • I'm not sure/undecided/but for the right price you'd get my vote

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Crap Buddist

Senior member
Well if oil is being driven higher not on supply & demand issues, but on other issues (according to the Saudi's, hence they wont increase output they say) Should the exchanges step in and rule no new opening transactions for oil futures, increase margin for long holders.

So this will allow longs to close and drive down the oil price . Those buggers did it with the Hunt brothers when they were ramping up silver, so why not oil ??? when its affecting masses on the planet ?

I think with the silver though there was the problem of actual delivery, ie Hunts were having positions that meant the exhange couldn't actually physically deliver, as there wasn't that much silver on the planet ! So the exchange might of gone bust.

But apparently the exchanges BEFORE they changed the rules had a nice tidy short position being built in silver. Then they ****ed the hunt brothers in the ****, and because no new opening transactions were alllowed when the Hunts had to sell guess who was mopping up and buying ? LOL the exchange who built the short position and then changed the rules ?? apparently that was not illegal. hmmm. Well nice work if you can get it, eh?

What a ****over..... 🙂

A) Great so why don't the exchange do that with oil ?
B) Should exchanges be allowed to do this ? ever ?
C) How come the exchanges were allowed to build huge positions to capitalize on the new rule they were about to bring in ?

Ok now this could happen as oil is a dwindling resource . I want the exchange to step in and force liquidation of OIL longs for humanitarian reasons.

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Well if oil is being driven higher not on supply & demand issues, but on other issues (according to the Saudi's, hence they wont increase output they say) Should the exchanges step in and rule no new opening transactions for oil futures, increase margin for long holders.

So this will allow longs to close and drive down the oil price . Those buggers did it with the Hunt brothers when they were ramping up silver, so why not oil ??? when its affecting masses on the planet ?

I think with the silver though there was the problem of actual delivery, ie Hunts were having positions that meant the exhange couldn't actually physically deliver, as there wasn't that much silver on the planet ! So the exchange might of gone bust.

But apparently the exchanges BEFORE they changed the rules had a nice tidy short position being built in silver. Then they ****ed the hunt brothers in the ****, and because no new opening transactions were alllowed when the Hunts had to sell guess who was mopping up and buying ? LOL the exchange who built the short position and then changed the rules ?? apparently that was not illegal. hmmm. Well nice work if you can get it, eh?

What a ****over..... 🙂

A) Great so why don't the exchange do that with oil ?
B) Should exchanges be allowed to do this ? ever ?
C) How come the exchanges were allowed to build huge positions to capitalize on the new rule they were about to bring in ?

Ok now this could happen as oil is a dwindling resource . I want the exchange to step in and force liquidation of OIL longs for humanitarian reasons.

POLL attached please vote if you care to...

There are so many facets to this problem and everything feeds on everything else. The weakness of the US dollar, the currency in which oil is priced, is just one, The fear out there is that money will be inflated by governments as a short term measure to get out of trouble. Most of the developed countries have huge debt problems, which are eased by a deflation of their currency. So we have all the commodities going up in price, just one big flood of money trying to find a home. Fund managers dealing in debt have been taking on more and more bad quality paper with the consequence that the repayments are defaulting.

If the interest is not coming in, what do the managers do next? They push the value of commodities up.

The whole capitalist system is under attack. It will recover, in time, but there is going to be a lot of grief as people, short of liquidity, sell their assets at lower and lower prices just to buy what is essential to live. Food and warmth
