Odl Advert....most Annyoing Advert In History Of Internet


Experienced member
Is it just me or is anyone else finding the ODL advert plastered on every T2W page very annoying. I just have this crap gunshot (i guess that's what it's supposed to bE) going off every 30 seconds. It is EXTREMELY annoying. I know I could just turn my sound off, but I am browsing here and listening to some tunes at the same time.

Is there no WAY the advert could be adjusted so NO SOUND came from it ??. It is putting me off looking at trade 2 win because I know all the time I am on the site I have that God Damn awful noise.
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I don't see any odl ads or hear any sound....so I must have some sort of disabling settings.
I am neither blind nor deaf, btw.
For me the advert appears at the top of this thread and I have noticed the gunshot noise which I didn't realise was this until I read the above.



  • odl.jpg
    70 KB · Views: 304
There must be a setting to stop the junk


  • zilch.GIF
    54.9 KB · Views: 301
if you have an antivirus program, look into the internet browsing settings for it. you can turn adverts off if it's anygood. Or you just play hardcore techno to cover up the sound...
Thanks mate, didn't realise it was the advert. I've run virus test, spam ware and even checked the sound card. I thought it was my computer as I always run t2w is on the same one.

I'm in agreeance that this is an extreme annoyance and invading our eyesight is understandable but with sound as well goes a little too far.

Now that I know its the advert on trade2win.com makes me a little dissapointed with the site.

So I ask Sharky: (site owner) Is there a way we can change this?

Is it just me or is anyone else finding the ODL advert plastered on every T2W page very annoying. I just have this crap gunshot (i guess that's what it's supposed to bE) going off every 30 seconds. It is EXTREMELY annoying. I know I could just turn my sound off, but I am browsing here and listening to some tunes at the same time.

Is there no WAY the advert could be adjusted so NO SOUND came from it ??. It is putting me off looking at trade 2 win because I know all the time I am on the site I have that God Damn awful noise.
Not being a computer buff I thought my computer was dying and and spluttering its last few breaths of life.
I turned off the computer turned it again logged into to T2W only to be confronted by the very horrible annoying noise again


(I need sound on my computer to be turned on for other programs)
I'll take this up with Matt first thing on Monday - hopefully he can get an updated advert from ODL minus the annoying sound. I suggest you try clicking the little icon in the top-right corner of the advert of a speaker with a cross through it. Then it really does become the most annoying advert in the history of internet! Just be thankful its not on by default.

"There must be a setting to stop the junk". Isn't there something in the guidelines re Richard making innuendos about our sponsors. I think he should receive a the severest of warnings, and be grateful (I think he may be a communist. I'll keep a check on him).

"guys, I've raised this within the Advisor/Mod community. Hopefully we'll see some action on it soon "


Hearing things ?

I too, wondered what that noise was - I almost started looking for a farting mouse on my desk! Because it was late, I gave up but as so often - T2W learned contributors have cracked it.

What I would say though is that ODL can forget any business from me - if they treat potential customers in this way, there's no telling what they'll do later. (subliminal noise or messages? extra fees for a silent account? ;) )

Why do so many financial adverts use gimmickry? Gimmicks don't work with successful trading (not mine anyway) - perhaps it appeals to new surfers in the same way that there's always a market for "wonder" systems that only need 5 mins work a day with just a few mouse clicks? I've found ADVFN to be a really bad popup offender but there are ways of stopping it - if T2W ever took on ADVFN's approach, I'd be off - quick.

The whole subject of adverts and what they actually achieve, as opposed to what the smart-arses (and some of them are very clever) who write them, want to achieve is very interesting. The big turn-off for me is when i feel I'm being manipulated or taken for a mug / ride / granted, or it just plain annoys me.

As serious traders we should be getting decent quality facts and information in a grown-up way, and in many cases this does happen. The rest of you advertisers - just watch it! Gimmickry get boring very quickly - beware the silent customer who doesn't necessarily complain, but instead just never comes back - and you never get to know why.

Advertising rant now over - I suppose parasitic as they are, they do cough up the dosh to run this site and I don't pay anything. So I'll let you all off - just keep the noise down or else .......... :)
Sorry folks - I knew this had sound on it but I assumed it didn't play unless prompted - that's how it worked when I tested it anyway.

I'll get it fixed today.

Incidentally, in future if anyone has a problem with an ad, just come direct to me via PM or at [email protected] - this isn't anything the advisors/mods can do anyway - it's all down to me I''m afraid :(.
For me the advert appears at the top of this thread and I have noticed the gunshot noise which I didn't realise was this until I read the above.


Same here.
Until I read this thread I thought I had some sort of virus on my computer because of that sound! lol.
if T2W ever took on ADVFN's approach, I'd be off - quick.

That isn't going to happen, btw. I'm quite careful as to a) what sort of adverts we run because I find the annoying ones just as annoying and b) which sort of clients we accept. So yes, whilst advertising obviously generates a significant portion of the site's revenue, it shouldn't ever be at the expense of the membership. This one slipped through the net.

EDIT: heck, it is annoying isn't it? Temporarily disabled it.
That isn't going to happen, btw. I'm quite careful as to a) what sort of adverts we run because I find the annoying ones just as annoying and b) which sort of clients we accept. So yes, whilst advertising obviously generates a significant portion of the site's revenue, it shouldn't ever be at the expense of the membership. This one slipped through the net.

EDIT: heck, it is annoying isn't it? Temporarily disabled it.

Rossored - thanks. The policing of ads on T2W is of a high standard and for me, this does make use of the site a much more pleasant experience. :)