
Personally, I never got burned, but I did used to be a poor trader.

I actually agree the SB firms could do so much more to guide new clients, and said as much in my response to ESMA on proposed regulation. There's a lot of options they have open to help new traders and guide them past dangerous mistakes, and they could do these things cheaply and easily and should do so without the need for legal compulsion if they valued the long-term relationship. But, I suppose they're short-termists.

Then again, when I drive away from Majestic with another 2 dozen bottles of wine, or Sainsburys with half a dozen pork pies, they don't say to me, oh that's perhaps enough for this year don't you think? So maybe the SB firms aren't really worse than anyone else trying to make money from us.

Fair point.

Although, I dont think we can compare SB with food stores. You need food to live so its pretty important you visit your majestic or sainsbury regularly/frequently. But you dont need to trade to live, so nothing wrong in limiting the number of visits or use of SB platform.
Hi All

Just a quick one like many others I see the market move quickly against you the second a trade is placed.

Happens all the time and never in my favour, however today as usual the same happened and seeing a move happen on the AUS/USD I placed a trade both sell and forced buy to have 2 positions in opposite directions and guess what no movement for the last hour just a tick 1 way then the other. Is it me or are IG Index playing silly buggers something I have thought fro a long while ...... Just a thought

No movement for last hour. Might be the case of you trading during low volatility. Where nothing moves for a long period. Markets are slow if your trading late at night.
Fair point.

Although, I dont think we can compare SB with food stores. You need food to live so its pretty important you visit your majestic or sainsbury regularly/frequently. But you dont need to trade to live, so nothing wrong in limiting the number of visits or use of SB platform.

On that basis, why shouldn't golf be subject to government regulation?
On that basis, why shouldn't golf be subject to government regulation?

I don't know what you mean. Why should we regulate golf or marketing of its product, is it bad for people. Its a sport as far as I am aware.

But trading/gambling and marketing is neither a sport but can be harmful to vulnerable people so regulation is highly needed.
I don't know what you mean. Why should we regulate golf or marketing of its product, is it bad for people. Its a sport as far as I am aware.

But trading/gambling and marketing is neither a sport but can be harmful to vulnerable people so regulation is highly needed.

They're both used as pastimes by thousands of people, they can both be addictive, neither does anything for society as a whole, both can be very very expensive.

At least trading offers the possibility for the individual to create their own wealth. This enables them to use the money for worthy purposes in the community if they wish, it certainly means they have more to spend which enriches the economy, and it might even mean they are less likely to be a burden on state support.
Come to think of it I should have recommended to ESMA that they take a long hard look at increasing the regulation of golf. This would save many people from buying expensive gear and club memberships which they then don't use, and we all know that 90% of them fail to become professional golfers.

After golf, skiing.
I think everyone posting here has got burned first no? No one immediately become professional and before transitioning to be profitable. Even your self I imagine. You didnt get burned ?.

Yeah I’ve had some heavy losses due to stake sizes being way too high but I’ve never lost all my money. I was just wondering how you were going to react to it?
They're both used as pastimes by thousands of people, they can both be addictive, neither does anything for society as a whole, both can be very very expensive.

At least trading offers the possibility for the individual to create their own wealth. This enables them to use the money for worthy purposes in the community if they wish, it certainly means they have more to spend which enriches the economy, and it might even mean they are less likely to be a burden on state support.

Sure but that possibility exist with a minority 10%.

Imagine a heathy population taking part in golf or skiing how much that could save in the long term for the government in health care cost. Sport is great for many other benefits, health, education, well being, etc.
Yeah I’ve had some heavy losses due to stake sizes being way too high but I’ve never lost all my money. I was just wondering how you were going to react to it?

So youve been there and done it your self. that good.

you must have deep pockets.

I am over the fact that i lost against the markets. I am neither angry or happy about it. Its just part of the learning curve, like everyone else here no?
So youve been there and done it your self. that good.

you must have deep pockets.

I am over the fact that i lost against the markets. I am neither angry or happy about it. Its just part of the learning curve, like everyone else here no?

Heavy losses is a relative term, I wish I had deep pockets.

So you now know that the markets and brokers aren’t to blame 👍
Heavy losses is a relative term, I wish I had deep pockets.

So you now know that the markets and brokers aren’t to blame 👍

Not totally, I am still sticking to my post.

"The SB Provider is at fault to some extent, allowing a noobie to use high leverage"

To that end and i think this thread is now exhausted. Good luck and happy Trading All.
Sure but that possibility exist with a minority 10%.

Imagine a heathy population taking part in golf or skiing how much that could save in the long term for the government in health care cost. Sport is great for many other benefits, health, education, well being, etc.

After skiing, noisy motor bikes.
..when I drive away from Majestic with another 2 dozen bottles of wine, or Sainsburys with half a dozen pork pies..

Everyone has commented on brokers but not a single post about the obvious. You are just a drop of water in a very big ocean.

What is the reason you are entering the trade and what is your trade plan?

If you are entering a trade based off charts alone then ask yourself this. Can everyone else see what I am seeing without requiring a special configuration of indicators and or price structure? My point is you need to align your expectations with the way you are trading. If you want to be in a position where the trades you enter have a better chance of success then you need to operate in a framework like the professional traders.

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