Oanda FXGame Errors

This is the first time I have ever seen this:
"Server rejected trade" "error creating market order"
"please try again later"

Well I was only trying to close part of a position that was running hard in my favor. So thinking the problem was on my cpu, closed the Oanda program and restarted. Ah - it had recorded a market order for each time I clicked and got an error message.

Anyone else have this trouble this morning. Was the real FXTrade platform stable?

I've been very impressed with Oanda up till now.
I've had that same error on FXGame once myself but today everything was fine.
As for the FXTrade, I'm certain oanda use different servers for the live accounts however.....

I would let them know, since what worries me is that you were told that they were rejected, yet they were not. That cannot be good. It may be something that would never be able to occur in real life but if it happens in test, its usually worse in live (CMS forex excluded. they are pants in test and wouldn't risk live)

On oanda though I like the way that if your open order gets through so does your SL/TP that at least is safe.
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