NYMEX Data Feed


HI, i m from India, i use Amibroker for Technical Analysis, i m looking for a data feed which can integrate with Amibroker so that i can have Realtime Quotes, Basically i only trade Crude Oil in Indian commodity Market, But i need to Track NYMEX Light Crude OIl for Technical Analysis, My priority is The vendor should provide Realtime data & should support Backfill, Also if the vendor doesn't have Amibroker Integration but has its own charting software having retracements & Trendlines would also be fine for me, The only vendor which i found out is Esignal, Also i m ready to Pay as long as its under 50$/month


HI, i m from India, i use Amibroker for Technical Analysis, i m looking for a data feed which can integrate with Amibroker so that i can have Realtime Quotes, Basically i only trade Crude Oil in Indian commodity Market, But i need to Track NYMEX Light Crude OIl for Technical Analysis, My priority is The vendor should provide Realtime data & should support Backfill, Also if the vendor doesn't have Amibroker Integration but has its own charting software having retracements & Trendlines would also be fine for me, The only vendor which i found out is Esignal, Also i m ready to Pay as long as its under 50$/month



Some of the metatrader brokers offer quotes on Nymex traded instruments...... it is free with their accounts. experiment with that and you may save some $$.
Some of the metatrader brokers offer quotes on Nymex traded instruments...... it is free with their accounts. experiment with that and you may save some $$.

Thanks for your valuable suggestion, i searched on google for metatrader brokers offering NYMEX exchange, i came across ifocusinternational.com they provide NYMEX but for that i need to open a trading a/c with them, as i have mentioned earlier i trade in Indian Commodity market & i need NYMEX coomodity real time quotes as a reference, pls correct me if i m not able to understand what u said ...


get brocotrader.... and they will want you to open a demo

download the software and u will see that they have a great selection

Note that this is not exactly real time data
get brocotrader.... and they will want you to open a demo

download the software and u will see that they have a great selection

Note that this is not exactly real time data

Hi ,

You made my day, i installed Broco Trader 4 software & currently applying analysis on crude oil, as far as the delay in realtime quotes are concerned tht i can only make out when the market wil open, any ways this is by far the most appropriate Free solution to my problem.

Thanks a Million 🙂
HI, i m from India, i use Amibroker for Technical Analysis, i m looking for a data feed which can integrate with Amibroker so that i can have Realtime Quotes, Basically i only trade Crude Oil in Indian commodity Market, But i need to Track NYMEX Light Crude OIl for Technical Analysis, My priority is The vendor should provide Realtime data & should support Backfill, Also if the vendor doesn't have Amibroker Integration but has its own charting software having retracements & Trendlines would also be fine for me, The only vendor which i found out is Esignal, Also i m ready to Pay as long as its under 50$/month



Hi sunny,
I am also having the same querry.
kindly help me.
some metatrader brokers have crude. it may be worth your time to check as metatrader is free

You can use DDE for import to amibroker