numbered accounts


I am seeking info on numbered or offshore spread trading accounts. The kind of account where I can build up a small "tax free" nest egg without any authorities knowing. I have seen accounts offered in the Bahamas at firms like Berkeley Ltd and investoreurope in Gibralta.
If anyone knows more please tell us. Also interested in setting up an offshore company to house the trading account at arms length.
'Without the authorities knowing'

That means you'll have to lie on your tax return which is a serious criminal offence. Just bear that in mind............
If someone were to do this, would they reveal their true identity to the offshore broker, and wire them money from a US bank account? This obviously leaves the significant risk of the US authorities finding out about the criminal activity.

I can't imagine there is some way to do this that is both with a trustworthy broker and anonymous enough to make it worth the risk.

Am I wrong?

Some countries might have laws that are less strict than the US. But I can't imagine any way to do this from the US that would not be foolishly dangerous.
Here is the problem, even if you manage to figure out how to get away with transferring the money so there is no trail, and you find a broker who you can trust to keep your money safe,
and give it back to you when you want it.

If you get caught cheating on your taxes for more than $5,000 in two or more years then the IRS can go after you for jail time.
and if anyone ever finds out about it and turns you in to the IRS, they can get a reward.
so you will be risking time in prison, hard for me to believe that saving a few bucks on your taxes is really worth that.
You could try this

Find a bank "offshore"

Be sure you are aware of the local laws of the hosting country!!!

The US has no jurisdiction over them and no trade agreements!

Take money from savings and pay it to that bank - or start a company in that country and pay them for services rendered

TELL NO ONE. Unless the United States can prove within the hosting countries laws that you are a criminal there is no way for them to get any information. Build it up through investing/trading and use a bank issued visa to the company you create. That company will now pay you for services rendered - such as consulting

Pay tax on the money you get paid for services rendered.

If the US or any government could stop it there would be no trading or economy. Heck Haliburton probably owns several offshore bank accounts.

i am lost. SB will not result in any tax if you live in the UK and open an account with SB provider and make profit from trading. So what's the point to open offshore?