Novice trader

Hello, I'm a novice when it comes to data collection🤓 I am a supply and demand trader ⚖️ and I want to collect data to find out the win rate and average RR of every supply and demand zone which led to a break of structure, this will be my foundation but I know it has to be unbiased so that the data is accurate, do you have any tips for achieving this? 🎯 I feel like I'm going round in circles as there are many supply and demand zones in a structural leg with varying characteristics such as wicks/bodies/mitigated/unmitigated etc, etc... My plan after building this solid base of data is to then test different filters to see how it effects the strike rate, average RR etc. but I just want to make sure the foundation is accurate to begin with.🏛️ From one trader to another please help a brother out... Much appreciated, Michael🙏