Nokia E71 - any good for trading?


Junior member
So I'm looking at getting a new mobile phone contract and given phones are that bit more advanced these days and internet browsing no longer costs the earth, I'd quite like something I can access advfn, some of the spread-betting sites and of course tdw on.

Vodafone have offered me the Nokia E71 with 500MB browsing a month for a reasonable £25 a month. Its got decent reviews and java/flash capabilities so on paper it looks to be able to do the job.

Anyone care to comment on its prospective effectiveness? I guess key will be how efficient it might be at updating live prices / executing orders on the spread-betting sites.

id also be interested in any thoughts on nokia's touchscreen phone, the 5800. it also has highspeed 3G access but again i question what performance might be like with live prices. thanks.
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I have seven Nokia E71's on custom built stands surrounding my trading desk, I find them a much more effective tool to trade with than those old fashioned computers...
I run my setup on just five bakelite phones hooked up to a hot desk

if you plan a similar system, factor in that you will need to start dialing well ahead for order execution

also worth noting that if a valve blows, you'll be down at least one switch, so good to have a runner available to courier the order docket across town to the broker

Sarcasm runs deep in this thread !

Just goes to show - there are no stupid answers - only stupid questions...

Sarcasm runs deep in this thread !

Just goes to show - there are no stupid answers - only stupid questions...

... right. excuse me for asking then. i thought the E71 might be able to do the job. how ignorant could I be huh?

not everyone can follow the markets at work, or better still, stay home and do it for a living.
....Just get a small mini laptop at least...and here are small mini laptop/phones....

These will be better then Nokia or anything else....

.....After all you do need to see the charts and interactive graphics to make some sort of decisions....

These are £199 each and are very good....
i have just got the nokia e 71 . how did you get the nokia to handle mt4 or are you using a different trading platform .i have tried mt4 without you know of another way . thanks . jeff...