NLP: Does it work? Discuss


Junior member
Since I learned that my own opinion is just my own, I would like to know what you think: Does NLP work for you in regard to trading. What is your experience? If NLP would be taken to extrem, and you manage to see in your mind yourself sitting on a beach with a laptop trading the world markets, behind there is your mansion etc., will that picture (neuro programming) become reality eventually? What is your opinion?

Thanks for sharing!
Let me put it this way never got me next to Sophie Marceau , but who knows maybe the process would have worked if I'd found her attractive enough ,so in a sense she let the side down.
lol chump

Seeing yourself sitting by a pool trading the world's markets etc etc......Mmmm
FWIW, when I started I did so envisaging trading successfully as such, not what that might bring in terms of advertisers' imagery.
In other words my aim was to learn HOW to trade well, to find out WHAT worked and WHEN, how flexible I had to be and what I had to sort out in my own head.
Having achieved that I feel I understand, at least to my personal satisfaction, what matters most to me and the rest of what I wanted followed.
After the spoof I'll give you my view. I've been interested for many years in linguistics and behavioural psychology. Arising out of that and my personal experiences I am of the view that within the context of the constraints that operate on any specific individual it offers lots of potential for any given individual to get closer to their real operating potential than would otherwise be the case. In trading and any other endeavour. I should also say the imagery stuff is overdone ,peripheral to the real process.
does it work? sort of.
as Mr Charts points out, the beaches and such are the consequences of success, so focussing on the act of trading is the key thing.

I have found some components more useful than others, particularly reframing was useful.
( I was toying with these anyway, before I started reading up on NLP)
all those modalities and submodalities seemed irrelevant to me.

biggest breakthrough for me was not to take the losses personally, and learning to see losses as part of the bigger picture. ( "a loss does not diminish me personally" - I was surprised at how deep that was for me to overcome, since I tend to be irreverent about most things. )

I am becoming more aware of language, and how I use it for myself (usually deprecatingly), and also being more careful about how I speak to others, to use encouraging and supportive words and phrases.
I have seen some changes in the way people respond (positively) to me.

summary: NLP hasnt really affected my trading profit-loss, only my perspective of it. I dont get flustered as much as I used to.

now big breath in,......... and, breathe out.... ahhhhh, that was good. 🙂
NLP is just a collection of simple, pre-existing professional psychiatric techniques dressed up to sound impressive.
They are a collection which an amateur could teach or learn, but nothing more. They do not dare to tread into areas for which the amateur or even the psychologist cannot be prepared.
Any technique will work on some people and not on others, just like hypnotherapy or root work etc.
You may find bits of it useful and the rest not so.
The experience of others will tell you little about how you will respond.
The imagination is a wonderful thing. It's the reality that often shatters the comforting and invigorating dream.
Not many would get hitched without it or achieve as much.
Anyway who is Sophie Marceau ? Some gorgeous goddess ?
Yes noot bad - found her on Google
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Sign up for that 900 pound seminar that cosmoglobe is promoting and all your questions will be answered . . . 🙂
dbphoenix said:
Sign up for that 900 pound seminar that cosmoglobe is promoting and all your questions will be answered . . . 🙂

clearly dbp is taking the p1ss!

I think the big events type situations are rubbish, since there is no possibility of personal input, and you are just a sausage in a machine. (the tutor isnt going to stop a session of over a hundred people just for little old you!)
There are probably better courses, for less, and with better tutor/student ratios. And with time to consider personal objectives.

NLP courses tend to be relatively expensive, so I would just recommend a few good books.
Skim read the underlying principles.
Then only focus on the bits that really click with you, in context of the issue you require resolving.
If it fails, your investment is minimal. If it works, great.

Cant help but feel that the big circus events are US-oriented, evangelical type, and generally up-selling other related-products.

I could be wrong, but I would rather work with someone (local) I can call upon again and again.

Just my 3-cents worth. See! My self-esteem has improved already.

EDIT: there are numerous NLP "taster" sessions available for little cost at most places.
trendie said:
clearly dbp is taking the p1ss!

Not really. 🙂 I just wish people would be honest about what they're promoting. Nothing wrong with promotion per se.

As for the US orientation, the link has been removed, but the fee was in pounds and he's located in London . . .

NLP in it's common usage does not register with me that much as it's relatively new.
My interest goes back over 30 years to linguistics and behavioural psychology and then over time into what they are now calling emotional intelligence which appears to relate back in some form to what they are now calling NLP.
For emotional intelligence anyone interested could have a look here...
Any search now will probably catch 1000's of links as it seems to have become a kind of flavour of the month area of interest. (useful for dealing with trolls though 😉 )
chump said:
NLP in it's common usage does not register with me that much as it's relatively new.
My interest goes back over 30 years to linguistics and behavioural psychology and then over time into what they are now calling emotional intelligence which appears to relate back in some form to what they are now calling NLP.
For emotional intelligence anyone interested could have a look here...
Any search now will probably catch 1000's of links as it seems to have become a kind of flavour of the month area of interest. (useful for dealing with trolls though 😉 )

There's nothing "wrong" with "NLP" and it's not exactly snake oil. But then it's not much different from what Albert Ellis was talking about fifty years ago with a new jargon-set and a higher price tag. If one can learn to create feedback loops for himself (not that difficult), he can achieve pretty much the same result for next to no money.

I wonder if EST is coming back? . . .

LOL..that's a wicked sense of humour. For those too young to remember EST it goes ;

''We're Gonna Tear You Down and Put You Back Together" ...I've met people who invoked this feeling in me except I stopped at the word "down" 😉
chump said:
LOL..that's a wicked sense of humour. For those too young to remember EST it goes ;

''We're Gonna Tear You Down and Put You Back Together" ...I've met people who invoked this feeling in me except I stopped at the word "down" 😉

But they did it in Monterey . . . 🙂 Beats tying people to chairs in a shack somewhere.

It was not my intention to "insult" the board by doing that. The signature was sometinhg I believe in, something which worked for me something which is of value for all UK traders. THere were no benefits for me, the event was free and I just wanted to share. Well....I know better now that this was concidered as "advertising".

Have a great new year, and may any form of psychological work be of benefit for you,

Many NLP practioners also use hypnosis as part of their treatment methods
if one were dealing with a specific problem/objective, wouldn't hypnosis be a
more efficient treatment method ?