Ninja or X trader???


Established member
hi im currently using ninja trader and tradestation combined. I have been looking into tt x trader pro for some time now but put off by the price. My question is how much more advanced is x trader compared to ninja as apart from the autospreader they don't look too dissimilar. And ninja is only $50 a quarter. And in my opinion the dom on ninja is slightly better as it adds each side up and gives the total bidders and sellers so you can see the ratio, x trader does not seem to do this. But for the price difference i must be missing something, please could anyone explain to me exactly why x trader is so much more advanced and is it really worth the money?



I have used both.

I used Ninja for a few years before I ran with X trader earlier this year.

After a couple of months I was back with Ninja.

Main issue for me was stop management, the single click facilty on the DOM makes a huge difference to me, the ability to scale into orders and have the stop scale up too.

X trader in this issue was a little cumbersome ( drag and drop ) and no auto scale up, though with the PS Trader plug in it helped a bit.

The Autospreader was irrelevant to my style so cant comment
i find ninja excellent value for money, the zen fire data feed is so fast as well, never pauses. My only concern is trading from home am i getting the data as live as the actual exchanges or is there any delay?

I did not notice any difference between Zen Fire data and TT data.

If anything, and this purely subjective I prefer the Zen feed.
I trade the mini russell alot, do you think we get the data as quickly as the actual exchanges in chicago or is there a delay?

bound to be a delay because of the technology and the distance from the exchange, but I enter with buy/sell stop limits so causes me no probs
i normally enter on market order as im scalping alot, maybe i too should think about using limit orders.

So what if i were to start trading in an arcade, would the delay be the same no matter where i traded?? The reason im asking is because with the way i scalp every mili-second counts if you know what i mean and if i could get the fastest possible exucution i may have an edge.

also, does anyone know what sort of volume you have to do to actually be able to apply directly to cme and trade on the exchange as i know the fees are alot cheaper that way?

Im currently paying $3.90 a round turn with a company called mirusfutures, but i need cheaper fees than this to be honest, what are my options???

One Eyed,

When you say a "delay", could you be a bit more precise, please.


I was refering to trading 50 yards from the exchange/brokers servers, as opposed to 3000 miles.

Maybe wrong choice of words, I have no probs in the slightest with speed of data and my style, maybe decay would have been a better choice

If milli seconds do matter then you may lose a few milli secs here and there.

Even thinking about trading that fast gives me a nose bleed.
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to become a member of CME you can lease or buy a seat, cant recall how much it is to buy but think is in region of +$100,000 , though someone may be able to correct me.

You can lease a seat for $1750 which will allow your broker to offer you much lower commisions, the only question then is how many rt's you are doing to make the lease pay.

On entering on limits or markets, if you enter with a buy/sell stop limit, if your strategy allows, that order is native to your broker till it gets filled, whereas your market order is native to your own pc, if the odd milli sec does make a difference now and then ? that may help
yeah thanks for the clarification and your help...........seems alot clearer to me now.

Im doing no more than 10 round turns per day so doubt this would pay..........better off sticking to what im doing then unless anyone knows of a cheaper broker?

