Nikkei Dow 225

Dow Dog

Well-known member
I'm thinking of spreadbetting on the Nikkei Dow 225.

Does anyone know where I can find a free charting package or failng that, a reasonably priced package that includes the Nikkei ?
I thought the usual packages like esignal and the like would include the Nikkei. I take it you like late nights ?

Dow Dog said:
I'm thinking of spreadbetting on the Nikkei Dow 225.

Does anyone know where I can find a free charting package or failng that, a reasonably priced package that includes the Nikkei ?

DD, you could open an account with gcitrading, which includes the Nikkei 225 (price follows the nearby future - nice daily moves). They offer a full contarct also mini-contract. It's commission free, with no slippage in a fast market as far as I can see, although there is an overnight holding charge. Spreads are also better than spreadbetting companies. You do get some free charting, although this is available from the website without having an account. There is also some downloadable historical data in the charts set up, but this is hard to use as they have messed around with the date formats so when you paste it into excel you still have to fix it up.

I dont know much about the company, as I have only used them for demo trading.

Nikkei 225 looks good to 'Buy'

Nikkei 225 is coming to the end of its consolidation period, looks cheap at the moment. Hard to ignore with all that foreign capital flowing into Japan.

Short term target 10925-11000.
Buy near to 10000-10400 with 10000 acting as key support. ;)

Looking for 4-6 month target 12000.
Place wide stops as this is a very volatile market and can swing 300+ points.

Good luck. Let me know how you get on...

Kind Regards

Tuesday's close under last week's low points to more weakness as close is below the critical short-term support at 10500. This is keeping the Nikkei vulnerable to a test of the 10100 lower support next .


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Your spot on with your analysis 'bgold' I came to similar conclusions, although i'am a buyer at anything under 10400-buying oportunity. 10000 mark is key-solid support mark and won't be taken out. ;)
I am a buyer here .. looking for it to retest the 11000 area .. alot of the far east indexes are recovering nicely from there recent (last 3 weeks) corrections

Peter, try buying closer to 10100/300 the consolidation isn't all dry yet :!:

You looking at any other indices :?:
User ..
Mainly far east as I prefer the upside potential of these .. I am also long Hang Seng (but that is so weighted to HSBC.. 33% iirc) and have various other long positions in far eastern stocks.
You could be right re 10100/10300 but Greenspan is managing to talk stocks up right now .. but also USD down which hurts Japan exporters, so will be interesting to see Tokyos moves tomorrow !
Indeed it will be interesting. For definate the market will move higher on the back of Wall street, but will it hold gains. :(
Just bought in at 10475, small stake though, as I believe a little downside still maybe left before it starts trending towards my stated targets above, therefore I'll save the big stakes till later.

Kind regards
If Nikkei ends up for Monday then the consolidation period could well be over as a support platform would be formed at 10500. Any downward move is again just a buying opportunity.

The Nikkei 225 is undervalued in comparison to many other major indicies and no doubt my earlier stated targets will be achieved.
Added to previous position on Nikkei225 at 10715.

11000 seems imminent as 10500 as been sustained as its platform for this move higher, as mentioned before.
Bit disappointed with the price move today .. Japan GDP Q4 was released.. 7.0% (vs expected 4.7%) so they sell the Nikkei because they are worried that they JPY will appreciate further ag USD as the Japanese economy is improving so much !!! Cannot really get my head round that so will stay long with an in the money stop but am seriously thinking of adding if gets close to 10600 ..
sorry just seen error in my above post .. Q4 GDP was 1.7% (vs expected 1.1%) and year on year GDP was 7.0% vs expected 4.7%

Just taken some profit today at 11030 on the spreadbet .. will ramp up my stop on the balance now. I think we should be able o reach a new high for the year next week so long as USD does not collapse on the spot.


I haven't taken my trades of the table yet, still leaving them in play. It seems like it might take out 11238.

12000 is a 4-6month target. It'll get there, maybe not this time around but we see.
Can anyone recommend a good brokerage for electronically trading the N225. I've tried GCI but the quality of their back-up service appears suspect at the moment.