Next Level Trading


Junior member
"The man who acquires the ability to take full possession of his own mind may take possession of anything else to which he is justly entitled."

- Andrew Carnegie

Our firm is aggressively expanding and we are actively recruiting new online equities day traders. You have the ability to work on our trading floor (Queens, NY) or from the comfort of your home.

Benefits Offered:

- you will be a member of the Chicago Board Stock Exchange (CBSX)
- do not need $25,000 in capital to day trade (most online brokers require $25,000)
- our minimum account deposit is $5,000
- 5~15 times capital leverage buying power
- low commission rate structure
- no desk fees (no fees for remote trading)
- competitive profit % split sharing
- 1 on 1 training and coaching from traders who "actually" know how to trade
- ongoing training and coaching - unlike most firms that only offer a few weeks
- extremely professional trading environment
- superior customer service culture

If you wish to be part of a winning team and are very passionate about success and fulfilling your financial destiny, please forward your resume and a brief description of yourself and one of our senior traders will contact you for an initial phone interview.

Please visit my for reference: Day Trading Blog

Can you explain a bit more about how this worka? You offer good leverage but what happens if a person was to lose more than their own deposit? Who is liable for that loss? I assume you have tight risk control but I just want to be clear who is actually liable for losses?

Can you explain a bit more about how this worka? You offer good leverage but what happens if a person was to lose more than their own deposit? Who is liable for that loss? I assume you have tight risk control but I just want to be clear who is actually liable for losses?


The chances that a "beginner" trader loses his deposit capital is very rare due to the trading technique that we teach our traders which is very low risk. We also coach our traders until they feel comfortable with more risk thus they learn before they earn.

We probably have one of the most accurate trading techniques and quality coaching systems in place right now so if you're interested in making profit in these markets, visit my blog: Day Trading Blog

Also, feel free to send me an email.

Good Trading!
Hi Gill,
I checked the website for Next Level - you require a training fee of about 4995/. I can not afford that but would like to discuss more options. I can afford the initial capital in atrading account. I am very keen on learning and trading. Have been trading a little bit for the last few months and have the burning desire to learn and make this my fll time bread earner. How can I reach you - pls share yr email and phone number.