Nexa's cross broker platforms


So for all you Canadians out there [and quite possibly Americans too], Nexa Technologies is the name of the company that has supplied the trading platform for the following brokers:

1. Tradefreedom
2. Scotia iTrade [formally etrade canada]
3. TD Active Trader
[and perhaps more]

For Tradefreedom and TD Active trader you can download their demo-mode versions and paper-trade. I personally trade with TradeFreedom and for their platform, they only offer 2 streaming charts compared to TD's which streams 4 or even 8 for their pro version.

There are also other features that Nexa's TD Active Trader Platform provides that TradeFreedom's doesn't in terms of charting.

I think it's a complete rip-off that Tradefreedom's charts should only be limited to two.They do have another "advanced" platform they don't advertise in their website but you can get provided you have a special request and are willing to pay the price.

So my question to forum members is this:

Have any of you tried tweaking around TDs and Tradefreedom's platforms and see if you can use TD's executable to log into Tradefreedom's account?

I don't think it's illegal practice if one can get "more" out of the platform they offer.

I tried tweaking the XML files and only got as far as being able to change the "colour theme" of Tradefreedom's platform [blue to green]

Mind you, I'm trying to log into Tradefreedom's account using TD Active Trader's executable which is essentially the same software.

Help? Comments? Suggestions?