News Times??


Greetings All,

I know this is going sound like a stupid question, (though I have heard there are no stupid questions) ...whatever right!
I am basically new to trading, only using a FxPro demo account at Mini Dow, Nasdaq and S&P indices...doing well, but it is not live trading condions.
I hear a great deal of talk about "News Times" and with it, advice not to trade during these times.
My questions; when are these "News Times"? they differ for different markets? (i.e. forex, indices, stocks, options, etc) ...or same for all? ...I suspect different news affects different markets at different times?

If any T2W trader can explain the "news times" and give me an idea what types of news and when they are likely to occur... or, point me in the right direction (i.e. websites, Squawk-box, WSJ, other papers etc.) as to where I could learn about "news times" and how they affect the markets and affect trading (requotes, slippage, ?)... I would be most grateful.

Thank you, N~
News times, do you mean like when news is released? If so then check out the calendar at forex factory.
Hi Neddles,

First Friday of every month is non farm payrolls, if you're trading the forex (big moves usually) ,a lot of traders get in on the NFP spike,very dangerous though IMO.
If you go to and download the economic news release calendar, it'll give you all the relevant info'.(download the pdf files) Avoid trading on the news releases that are in bold
Hi Neddles,

First Friday of every month is non farm payrolls, if you're trading the forex (big moves usually) ,a lot of traders get in on the NFP spike,very dangerous though IMO.
If you go to and download the economic news release calendar, it'll give you all the relevant info'.(download the pdf files) Avoid trading on the news releases that are in bold

Hi HilaryMannah,

Thank you for your response and the website, but I do not trade forex, only the mini indices, dow, nasdaq, S&P... I went to daily fx website, I clicked on calender, and found news times, but I think that deals with forex? ...or am I wrong...or are these times also relevent to the mini indices? do I have the right calender or is there one for indexs?...the ones that are important are in blue, corect?
also, what is the NFP spike, is that the opening of a market american or otherwise... please remember I am an abosolute beginner, so please forgive my ignorance...if you have time any further info would be appreciated...Thank you kngavl as well, much appreciated both of you responses...

Thanks again, N~
Hi Neddles,
My apologies, couldn't have read your post as thoroughly as I should have.
I only ever, have traded the foreign exchange (forex).
If I were you though,..(if you day trade).. keep an eye on the major economic news releases (the ones in bold type,or marked "high") and just monitor the reactions of the market. I did this for years before ever risking my money.
A good forum to listen in on is ""
Careful! ForexFactory calendar is not complete!
Check another one as well. (wsj?)

I find News Times to be the best moment to trade futures like ZN/F/B.
But for non-followers of that, it could be wise to stay away.