Newbie Software Requirements


I am looking for some software recommendations.

I intend to trade UK/US stock and will only need eod data. I would appreciate any advice with regard to charting software and data supply.

Cheaper is better.

My own choice is Sharescope for UK, TC2000 for USA, both provide charting and EoD data, both are good programs. They'll work out at around £30 the pair, being £15 each near as makes no difference. Have you looked in the Software review section here?
nothing odd there, Forres being such a mega Metropolis sort of place...<g>
Surely the connection is far more important that the computer, RAM, etc.,
In the past I have had lots of screens, two computers running but connnetion was poor and missed several trades because of it.
That and instant access to 'human' dealer is priority as far as I am concerned for trading

I use Aminbroker for EOD data.

It's around £100 one off cost and then you can download daily data for free.

I use this as I was planning on doing some long term paper trading and didn't want any monthly fees.

I now continue using it as I don't see why I should have to make £20 profit a month just to pay for the data when it's available for nothing.

Amibroker allows multiple indicators and time frames, backtesting, optimising trading systems and some powerful customisation.

It's great for my needs.

Thanks, I have downloaded the trial version.
Where do you get your EOD data?

The trial version doesn't save data...

The EOD data comes from Yahoo.

Have you looked on the Donkey network?

Adidas said:

Thanks, I have downloaded the trial version.
Where do you get your EOD data?


I think JonnyT answered that one.

AmiBroker uses AmiQuote to upload the data from various different feeds - I use the Yahoo one.
AmiQuote is a Shareware bit of software that comes with AmiBroker.

It's a really good setup for beginners and I don't see why it can't be used by experts as well!
Probably 'cos Yahoo data's often some way short of error free, I'd imagine <g> Generally speaking I prefer the daily low to be lower than the open and close, and the high to be the highest of the four prices in the OHLCV data.
(err. allegedly, I suppose I ought to add, to save T2W being hammered!)
Would something like amibroker and some purchased intraday data from someone like these folks:
provide the beginner with a decent backtesting system?

There really isn't any need to purchase any kind of data feed until you have a system to test, right?
Oops - Adidas is looking at EOD trading , so this is more than needed. - I had my mind stuck on intra-day stuff. I'd like to amend the above post to ask, if you needed to test an intraday system....
sharriss said:

I use Aminbroker for EOD data.

It's around £100 one off cost and then you can download daily data for free.

I use this as I was planning on doing some long term paper trading and didn't want any monthly fees.

I now continue using it as I don't see why I should have to make £20 profit a month just to pay for the data when it's available for nothing.

Amibroker allows multiple indicators and time frames, backtesting, optimising trading systems and some powerful customisation.

It's great for my needs.

Hello Sharriss,

I have SS and Amibroker. I use SS for the datafeed and have ocassionally taken this data into AB - but I must admit to being a novice with AB. I was under the impression that with AB you had to downolad each share individually from such as Yahoo. Withh SS you hit the update button and the entire UK stock list is updated (with fundamentals for those who care).

My question then - can you quickly download info for all stocks using the system you suggest?

All info appreciated.

the blades said:
Hello Sharriss,

I have SS and Amibroker. I use SS for the datafeed and have ocassionally taken this data into AB - but I must admit to being a novice with AB. I was under the impression that with AB you had to downolad each share individually from such as Yahoo. Withh SS you hit the update button and the entire UK stock list is updated (with fundamentals for those who care).

My question then - can you quickly download info for all stocks using the system you suggest?

All info appreciated.


the blades,

I download all the FTSE100 and FTSE250 in one go.

All you need to do in AmiQuote is select "Tools" then "Get Tickers from AmiBroker" and this will select the list of all EPIC's you have loaded into AmiBroker.
You do need AmiBroker running though.
And provided you have the "Automatic Import" ticked AmiQuote will insert all the latest data.
sharriss said:
the blades,

I download all the FTSE100 and FTSE250 in one go.

All you need to do in AmiQuote is select "Tools" then "Get Tickers from AmiBroker" and this will select the list of all EPIC's you have loaded into AmiBroker.
You do need AmiBroker running though.
And provided you have the "Automatic Import" ticked AmiQuote will insert all the latest data.

Hi Sharriss,

Thanks for that. I have now downloaded amiquote and updated (for free!) the data for the tickers already entered into Amibroker.

A further question - how do you import the tickers into Amibroker, how does it ditinguish between UK and US stocks and do you have a list of tickers for the S&P companies?

Once imported - do you know a way that I can sort shares in order of highest movers over "x" period?

Sorry for the barage - any further help much appreciated.

Jumpin said:
Surely the connection is far more important that the computer, RAM, etc.,
In the past I have had lots of screens, two computers running but connnetion was poor and missed several trades because of it.
That and instant access to 'human' dealer is priority as far as I am concerned for trading
Someone trading off EOD data will not be worried about lightning fast connection or direct access.
DaveJB said:
Generally speaking I prefer the daily low to be lower than the open and close, and the high to be the highest of the four prices ...
Oh well, if you're going to start being picky about it ... ... ...
the blades said:
Hi Sharriss,

Thanks for that. I have now downloaded amiquote and updated (for free!) the data for the tickers already entered into Amibroker.

A further question - how do you import the tickers into Amibroker, how does it distinguish between UK and US stocks and do you have a list of tickers for the S&P companies?

Once imported - do you know a way that I can sort shares in order of highest movers over "x" period?

Sorry for the barrage - any further help much appreciated.


the blades,

Importing tickers into Amibroker is not something I've done - I did it manually, but I understand that you can. You will need to check out the website for advice on that.

A ".L" after the EPIC distinguishes UK i.e. LLOY.L, I'm not sure what it is for US as I'm not interested in them.

There are ticker lists available for importing on the website, US stocks are much easier to import as there is an automatic function...

The AFL reference is also very useful and may help you with the stock order problem...

Hope that helps.