Newbie Seeks Book Recommendations


Hi folks. I'm brand new to Forex, and would like to learn as much as I can before I put any real money at risk. I'm heading for Japan in a few weeks to spend the holidays with my inlaws, and would like to take some books along with me to read during the (many) quiet times. Can someone (anyone) recommend 2 or 3 books that do at least a halfway decent job of explaining Forex, Trading and Strategies? I bought a book called Forex Made Easy by James Dicks, but that was just a waste of time and money. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Jeff.
Hi Jeff

Welcome to Trade2Win, I hope you find the site useful with your trading. As far as forex goes, have you looked in the Knowledge Lab? There are several articles there on forex trading that you may want to print out and take with you.

As far as books go to take on holiday with you, I'd recommend Kathy Liens book - Day Trading the Currency Markets. This looks at the basics of the currency markets and also at news, fundamentals etc. that affect it.

What sort of trader do you envisage being? Do you want to trade the news only, or do you want to look at technical analysis? There are several books I could recommend on technical analysis, but that would depend on how much you already know about trading - I don't want to recommend an advanced book, if you are wanting something that deals morewith the basics.

In addition, have you read any of Steven Nisons candlesticks books? These are always good for understanding any market including forex.

Hope this helps.
A book I would definitely recommend is 'Trading in the zone' by Mark Douglas. Excellent book..! Deals with the trader’s mindset which I'm sure all traders would agree are just as important if not more so than the strategies themselves...

Enjoy and have a great trip..!
you must also read "The Disciplined Trader' by Mark Douglas. it will prepare you psychologically for when you trade with real money