Newbie Question


Im just reading through all the material as we speak. Opened up a demo account on capital spreads. Completely new to spread betting. Quick question though:

I noticed the daily ftse100 produuct was quoted at 5513-5514 yet the ftse 100 closed at 5475 today. Any reason for this??
It could be based on ftse futures not ftse index snack. Futures prices vary from cash for a number of reasons including an interest rate factor.
Im just reading through all the material as we speak. Opened up a demo account on capital spreads. Completely new to spread betting. Quick question though:

I noticed the daily ftse100 produuct was quoted at 5513-5514 yet the ftse 100 closed at 5475 today. Any reason for this??

If you noticed at around the time you posted (11:32PM) then I would say it is because it is tracking the US overnight Futures market. The FTSE trades between 08:00 - 16:30 UK time but they usually quote daily ftse100 prices almost 24Hrs. Otherwise, if the FTSE closed @ 5475 and the US Futures market rallied overnight there would most likely be an opening gap on the FTSE and it would be easy to make money on it. That's what you thought..... isn't it???