Newbie Question on Scalping

Mad Hatter

I have a couple questions for any experienced scalpers out there...

1. How hard is it to get fills while scalping the ES? I'm using the paper money feature on ThinkOrSwim while I wait for my funds to transfer in, and scalping 2-4 tick moves seems way, WAY too easy on the trade simulator. I have to imagine that this is deceiving...

2. Assuming that the reality is significantly more difficult than the ToS simulator... Are there any good simulators out there that offer a better approximation of reality?

Thanks much.
That is realistic. The ES has plenty of volume, you will get your fills. When you move from the simulator to real money, getting filled won't be your problem... fear and greed will. Good luck.
Thanks for the reply. The part that seems unrealistic to me isn't the volume, it's that the simulator always fills as soon as the ES trades at that level, regarless of the bid/ask. So even though there could be bids for 1000 contracts at a given level, the simulator fills me as soon as it trades at that level... basically, it seem like I am always at the front of the line to get the first fill at a price level - regardless of how many other people may have placed orders at that level first.
Surely everyone can't be filled instantly as soon as the ES ticks to the appropriate level...
Thanks for the reply. The part that seems unrealistic to me isn't the volume, it's that the simulator always fills as soon as the ES trades at that level, regarless of the bid/ask. So even though there could be bids for 1000 contracts at a given level, the simulator fills me as soon as it trades at that level... basically, it seem like I am always at the front of the line to get the first fill at a price level - regardless of how many other people may have placed orders at that level first.
Surely everyone can't be filled instantly as soon as the ES ticks to the appropriate level...

If you place a limit order, sometimes you will get filled when it reaches that level if it stays a that level for a couple of moments, but usually you can count on 1tick slippage for most trades. I would plan on that in your strategy. Depending on how you trade you may want to check on some other platforms. I prefer to trade on a DOM, and the AT platform from Infinity Futures is excellent. I also use the DOM on NinjaTrader and it works well. You can get demos of both from most brokers. I do use TOS for charting though.
I'm using X_trader as a simulator.
Only to learn the order types etc etc and trading on the futures exchanges as currently i spreadbet.
Its good because it considers market_depth and you have the option to enforce slipperage on your entries and exits (Something i do at 0.25 slipperage on the ES) on one contract thats unusual in the real market and therefore the step up from simulator to live won't be as difficult.
Furthermore you must realise that trading on simulators is completely different in terms of psychology... You mess up it doesn't matter.

I'm using simulators to perfect the following;
1. The execution of my entries
2. Understanding of buying the bid and selling the ask
3. Practice different situations that may occur during live trading

I'm not trading to 'see' how i would do and my results because discretionary trading through a simulator is totally different...
use the infinity futures transact AT demo platform, they will actualy fill you on your sim trade when there is someone willing there to sell to you.

This is the most realistic you can get it, and its a perfect platform if you want to scalp the es, with autobrackets+breakeven+multitrailing ++++ funtions.

Bashir N
if not very high frequency scalping (<1 min) best simultaor is paper trading, with a post-production large slippage cost addition.....