Hi everyone, i came across your site while googling 😀
anyway, i started trading at the end of last week on CMC, I decided to put 200 in just to play with for some reason i thought HBOS was a wise idea?? well i lost out on that, but luckily enough broke even today.
then i thought id take it abit more serious and check out the charts etc and work out my buy and sell point, so betting on the UK100 i bought 2 shares at 5,307 and sold them at 5,436 i was in work at 2PM that day, so was amazed when i got back in to see i made over 250GBP 😱
so today being in work at 6AM i thought id set up a pending order, to buy the shares at 5,362?? and sell at..well i forgot, but it worked out i would have made 1400GBP 😱
i came in and found it'd sold the shares at the higher price not bought them at the lower price, so i kind of panicked and bought shares so i had two, then they went down, really fast, if i had kept hold of the shares and sold short? i would have had 1400 🙄 instead i ended with around 26 quid left in the account :whistling
arr well a lesson learnt, but even after that it still makes me think there has to be a catch? if i didn't make a stupid mistake would i really have around 1800 quid in two trading days when i started with 200? or is there some catch i don't know of 😕
anyway, does anyone have advice on my trading? is it actually possible to get these kind of gains with spread betting? am i lucky or could i actually be able to do something right?
cheers, Jon
anyway, i started trading at the end of last week on CMC, I decided to put 200 in just to play with for some reason i thought HBOS was a wise idea?? well i lost out on that, but luckily enough broke even today.
then i thought id take it abit more serious and check out the charts etc and work out my buy and sell point, so betting on the UK100 i bought 2 shares at 5,307 and sold them at 5,436 i was in work at 2PM that day, so was amazed when i got back in to see i made over 250GBP 😱
so today being in work at 6AM i thought id set up a pending order, to buy the shares at 5,362?? and sell at..well i forgot, but it worked out i would have made 1400GBP 😱
i came in and found it'd sold the shares at the higher price not bought them at the lower price, so i kind of panicked and bought shares so i had two, then they went down, really fast, if i had kept hold of the shares and sold short? i would have had 1400 🙄 instead i ended with around 26 quid left in the account :whistling
arr well a lesson learnt, but even after that it still makes me think there has to be a catch? if i didn't make a stupid mistake would i really have around 1800 quid in two trading days when i started with 200? or is there some catch i don't know of 😕
anyway, does anyone have advice on my trading? is it actually possible to get these kind of gains with spread betting? am i lucky or could i actually be able to do something right?
cheers, Jon