New To Trading


I've been trading for about 2 weeks. I've been trading some large caps on my margin account: Netflix, Apple, and Amazon. I also shorted oil with DWTI. Oil looks like it could hit $20/barrel. And it I could easily play this long but I want to try to get 15% a week out it. I just got 15% last week. Iran's oil just came online. So I am expecting oil to drop again. I figured I would follow it to bottom and ride UWTI up to the top probably.
I've been trading for about 2 weeks. I've been trading some large caps on my margin account: Netflix, Apple, and Amazon. I also shorted oil with DWTI. Oil looks like it could hit $20/barrel. And it I could easily play this long but I want to try to get 15% a week out it. I just got 15% last week. Iran's oil just came online. So I am expecting oil to drop again. I figured I would follow it to bottom and ride UWTI up to the top probably.

Are you playing on demo?
Hi Metahominid.

It's great to hear your enthusiasm and excitement for trading but it's also crucial to remember that the type of returns you're expecting (>15% a week) is very unrealistic when you look at the most successful performers in the world (who do not achieve anything like this over the long period).

It's important to start small and conservative with the view that you'll be doing this for years.

Just my two cents above everything else.
Are you doing this on a demo account? Because trading with real money right from the beginning is generally really not a good idea at all.