new to trading forex


Hi to all,
I have been using GCI forex mini account(demo),and made $14,000 in the first week,then lost $14,000 over night. The next morning UP $4000 in half hour. If this was in real money what fiidles or scams would i be hit with if any ,like i said i am totaly new to trading. I trade in GBP/USD sometimes at$100 a point

who out there has traded in real money made this sort of money ?

Thanks glen
Me again i have demo with gci and refcofx i like the gci platform better but have read the reviews about gci which has put me off using them

The question must be, if you had `real money` would you be trading at $100 a point and would you be leaving open positions overnight!

I use GFT they also offer a demo platform and I have found them to be very helpful.

ya i will go $100 a pip , and watch like a hawk.ill sit watch alday if im going to make alot of money , i know you can lose alot of money.
as long as your'e not too twitchy, I wouldnt worry too much about the games and scams etc
just trade what you see and believe the market is right.

you will always come across the 100 pip dash to take out stops and there may not be a consistently good way of guarding against it other than 'don't place stops in the market'.

if your trading skills are ok, you shouldnt come to much harm but I wouldn't advise staying in overnight unless you already have a lorra lorra profit in the trade.
following on

like i said before i like the layout of gci i understand it for i have never traded before,until last week. i would not bet on a horse,race over you lost. forex sweat it out and you can make a s..t load of money. that how im seeing it,using the gci and refcofx patform. i like the idea of wathing the money go in seconds and make alot of money. i still know you can lose the the lot ,that's life. im just about to try fxcm's system.

cheers glen
What you are doing is gambling & that is fine - as long as you are aware of it. Even the experts get it wrong on some trades and those that consistently increase the size of their bank accounts use a risk policy. That is they will only put 2% of their capital at risk at anytime. They let the wins ride & cut short the losses with a stop loss. That way you only need to get 50% of your trades right to still be making money, anymore & you really are laughing all the way to the bank.

Note: everyone is different and it is a matter of finding your own trading style. Good luck to you all :)
I have been demo-trading for some days at mgforex without anything but basic news and charts, and it has been a wild ride lol.

What about out-of-a-box Forex trading systems ?!

Here is one that I would like to have feedback on, thank you:

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