New Room For Traders From Technical Trader Room




is this really going on?? I missed the last hour in the room and to leave the home. so no TT pal talk room?

My understanding (from listening in the room for last few days) is that the room we have been in recently, with Iraj educating us and making market calls, is actually owned by JayJay. JayJay has decided that from today the room will be password potected and a subscription will need to be paid.

My understanding (from listening in the room for last few days) is that the room we have been in recently, with Iraj educating us and making market calls, is actually owned by JayJay. JayJay has decided that from today the room will be password potected and a subscription will need to be paid.


sad to see this happen, the best part of the whole site is now corrupted by a subscription chat room.🙁
new room to chat and trade together

hello all

as you know the technical trader room ( iraj and jj room) is a paid room from today so i decide as iraj himself mention that members from that room who still want to chat , share ideas and calls could do it at the new room i opend yesterday :
trader4trader anyone who wants can get in and contributes from his knowledge. thats all.

just to let u know that I ONLY GIVES the call in JAY JAY room ,, The room and the sub does not belong to me at all

just to clarify this

Wheezer, IRAJ is still in TechnicalTrader room. He is not part of JayJay's subscription.

Technical Trader is mine and is free ,, few of the members have already joined his room ,, how he runs it or what ever is up to him

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just to let u know that I ONLY GIVES the call in JAY JAY room ,, The room and the sub does not belong to me at all

just to clarify this


yes i know that and i aprichiate very much the last days at the room and learn a lot from you ,so thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.

Technical Trader is mine and is free ,, few of the members have already joined his room ,, how he runs it or what ever is up to him

I am so pleased you have completely dissociated yourself from his room.

I hope that members can support you and your independence and disassociation from JayJay.

I will, as I did in the past, attend from time to time. I don't want to received live calls really, because I think it is important to work on one's own applying your knowledge to the market.

When I pop in it is to pick up the odd word of advice for which I am very grateful or it is to assist in whatever way I can.

As I said on the main forum I do not expect a free ride and respect your right to sell your products and services if you so wish. It seems in this case that JayJay overstepped the mark and was trying to sell something that was not his to sell.

On my part that is an end to it and hope we can all get back to some sense of normality

Thank you

Your friend

If TT on paltalk is still open and free we all would liket to come by whenever we can, as Charlton said, we'd like to hear words of wisdom from a very experienced and kindhearted trader like Iraj.
I am so pleased you have completely dissociated yourself from his room.

I hope that members can support you and your independence and disassociation from JayJay.

I will, as I did in the past, attend from time to time. I don't want to received live calls really, because I think it is important to work on one's own applying your knowledge to the market.

When I pop in it is to pick up the odd word of advice for which I am very grateful or it is to assist in whatever way I can.

As I said on the main forum I do not expect a free ride and respect your right to sell your products and services if you so wish. It seems in this case that JayJay overstepped the mark and was trying to sell something that was not his to sell.

On my part that is an end to it and hope we can all get back to some sense of normality

Thank you

Your friend


thanks charlton for your words i am a newby but fast learning and i respect each one with his buisness decisions, i came to the room to learn and i learnd a lot .
i don't have any bad word about iraj i think he is great teacher and generos.
i also saw that TT room is still open for traders who want to share ideas so i will be there from time to time.
i also will be happy to learn from other experiance trader like you and glad about your weeling to help.
see you around friend 👍

Technical Trader is mine and is free ,, few of the members have already joined his room ,, how he runs it or what ever is up to him


Hey Iraj,

I'm trying to get into the TechnicalTrader room on Paltalk but it has a password on it now?
is there a password to get into to TT paltalk room... if so could I get a password.
