new proposal for a board...

do you agree this website should have any kind of support for first time traders / be

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    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • no...

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hi all
Even this benn more directed to sharky , I would like to propose a begginerrs first steps, where begginers like myself good have a board where they could get info, resourses and even some kind of lessons to start really learning in trading fora possibly one day for a living...
What do you think about it? is there any pro with interested in giving a few tips or lessons to the begginers?Is there anyone with some interest in help the others learning?
All kind of suggestions are welcome...
i have to agree,there's so much information out there,that
you end up getting information overload ...there's too much information
....where does one start? ..look at how many indicater's there are....which one's are the best?...what's the best
setting's...o.dear...even i'm scratching my head now.....time for a cuppa 😀
Errr ... you appear not to have noticed that there is a board already setup called First Steps. 🙂

Just click on Boards at the top of the page, and scroll down into the Community section and you will see First Steps.
hi guys
thx for the prompt response and toin being so subtil in ...anyway yes I did notice , but like one of you said where to start , what to study firts, etc... I think it could be of interested an organised board , with other name, where aomeone can interested in learning how to trade could go a start in a planned organised way... I put money this will be very sucessfull, and please don't anwser me for that go back to college or uni!!!
Anyway it is just an idea...
Hi Sergio.

You can use this board in any way you like.

Just ask the questions you want to ask, post what you want to post 🙂 Make it answer the questions you want to ask.
Hi Techcherry
I think it could be of interested an organised board , with other name, where someone can interested in learning how to trade could go a start in a planned organised way
This is where the problem lies. It would be great to have a step-by-step plan to learn how to trade. The problem is that the market is completely different for everyone. I doubt there is 2 traders in the world who trade exactly the same. 🙁
Hi Techcherry
What do you think about it? is there any pro with interested in giving a few tips or lessons to the begginers?Is there anyone with some interest in help the others learning?
All kind of suggestions are welcome...
In the last 10 minutes (well since my last post 😀 ), I was thinking how difficult it was when I first started, and it is a mine field.

How about I start a thread where we look at an end of day chart, do the analysis, and see how it pans out in the days that follow. If you (or anyone else) would like me to start such a thread, then let me know, and I'll be more than happy to help. 🙂
FB - you took the words out of my mouth!

There is no correct way to trade, and you just have to find out the way that suits you best - your lifestyle, timeframe, pot size, risk tolerance, fear level, and how greedy you are. Every trader has different scores in each of these, and therefore they trade differently. Unfortunately, trial and error is the only way you will find out.

And you must remember that no phenomenally successful trader is ever going to tell you exactly how they found the Holy Grail - unless, of course, they are a vendor!
first steps

hi f...tsie
once more you showing how worth it can be this new tec's world, even if is for the fact of seeing the good part of the human race...
Yes ... Yes !!! please... because to be honest I have been around for a while now but sometimes I think just led me to more confusion, I am expanding my general knowledge in the trading world and my library... but more I read , more confused I get ...In terms of which indicators to choose , and to be honest how to use them sometimes!!??? But anyway I think it could be an exelent idea what you propose, where we can start by end of the day analisys and with a few indicators... and start something...I am up to it, and I bet there is more outhere, maybe they still a bit shy ... but they will come through...
... once more thanks F.T !!!

I willl be waiting for news !!!!
Hi Techcherry and all

OK, as of tomorrow I'll start a thread. I'm half way through it at the moment, but the internet is running so slow, it's getting frustrating, so you will have to wait until tomorrow. 🙁

The first few posts won't deal with indicators, because that is a mine field in itself - but we will get onto it. 🙂
great f..tsuie !!!
...I had that speed problem as well, until I got so frustaded and before I done something stupid , in relation to the hardware, I got my self a very good deal in terms of broadband, where I got the modem for free , no activation fee, a very good after-sales serv. , and all that for £27 month... not bad,hey?!!! no more connection breaking up, no more hours lost to dwld stuff...
If you interested send an email I will send you the link...