New newbie group?


Hi all
My name is Tony and I have been dabbling with scalping for a little while. when I did my first few trades I gained quite a bit of money and thought this is quite simple. Since then however I have not been so successful, I guess it was beginners luck. I have not traded as much as I did initially as my losses have overtaken my gains. I am determined to turn this around and improve my trading skills. I am sure there are other newbies out there like me who wish to make improvements and progress. Most information and answers to questions can be found on this site but somtetimes trading in isolation can be daunting for the inexperienced. I am based in the Croydon / Surrey area and would like to join a group for newbies who may meet up maybe once a month and share information. The only group I have found is one that meet in Brighton, however their latest posts were dated 2008 so I assume they no longer meet up. If there is group or community out here that fit the above please let me know. Alternatively if you are interested in forming a newbie group please let me know so we can get the ball rolling.

Thanks for reading

Tony 😎