New Member to Site


Hello everyone,
My name is Christopher Winner and I am new to the site and to investing. I am 25 years old and would like to make a career in the financial industry. I am currently a student working towards my bachelors in Business. Do you have to have a degree to take the financial exams? Sorry if that was a stupid question but I'm relatively new to this but I'm positive this is want I want to do as a career. Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks and have a great day!!

Hi Christopher,
Welcome to T2W.
Click on the first 2 links of my signature and bed yourself in. Then you might like to check out this FAQ: How Do I get a Job Trading? Re. your specific question, I suspect it will depend on your objective and the 'financial exams' you're wanting to take? This might be a good place to start: NFA
Thank you for the input. Question (and this might sound like a stupid question) Do I have to have a college degree in say business to take the exams?? Thanks again for you time. Have a great day!

Thanks for the reply Howard. I agree 100%. I am currently taking classes toward my major which is business and minoring in accounting/finance. Wish I wouldn't have waited til i was 25 to go to college but nothing I can do about it now.

Do I have to have a college degree in say business to take the exams?
Hi Christopher,
I don't know, but I suspect not.
Even if I could provide a clear and comprehensive answer, relying on the word of a stranger on a forum like this one isn't wise; it's something you need to verify for yourself. I suggest you decide what exams you want to take (e.g. the ones listed on the NFA site I linked) and then check out the entry requirements.