New Mains electricity suppy


Legendary member
Any qualified electricians out there? I've just had a new mains supply installed from the road . I'm not familiar with what they have done... It seems there are only two wires coming in ( 75A supply) and no separate earth, I think this is a PME setup..... These two wires go through the 100A fuse, then the meter and then to the consumer unit. Do I just link the Earth in the consumer unit to the Neutral Bus bar?
Must /Should I have an RCD with this setup?
Hi Chartman

Don't know much about electrickery only if you stick your tonge on the wires you can tell with one is live.
Chartman, is the supply coming into your house via a nearby lampost?
Why not get a coat hanger and attach your door bell to the mains with it? This way you wont be interrupted by the jehovas selling book towers when you're trading.

Make sure you're standing in a tub of water when you do this.
Take a subscription to Readers Digest LOL

its probably a good insulator too

"Usual disclaimer of all responsibilty under all circumstances."
Earth to your incoming water supply pipe presuming its metal. It should also be bonded to your gas supply pipe. Earth is what it means a direct link into the ground. Often the earth wire is attached to a spike stuck in the earth(ground) near the incoming supply.
Not to longer the case as gas pipes coming in nowadays are plastic...

Same for water.No need to earth anything that is plastic piped- greater risk of injury. Internal gas pipe should be earthed as it's in copper.
Still waiting for a proper answer.....
Come on chaps, this must be one of the most helpful people on this site. Less of the frivolity and give the man a hand.

I can't because I know nowt about electricity but there must be a hole digger lurking here somewhere.
Martin, notwithstanding the above replies, this probably isn't the best place to be asking this sort of stuff. It wouldn't be 'First Steps' - more like 'Final Steps'.... 😆

What about your local electricity board - they might have someone who can help?

Or a local 'friendly' electrician.

I honestly don't think useful types like that haunt these boards - we're mostly I.T. consultants and engineers (oh, and some traders...).
I just thought there might be an electrician out there on the BB..... The IEEE society ( they do the specs for electrics etc) are more secret than the funny handshakes club and charge more than the tutors on this BB for their secret info....... :cheesy:
I'l just have to hunt down a local electrician ...............
Well, if you're into funny handshakes, a320 might be able to help...

Wont fix your wiring, but you'll be able to climb to 3000ft and maintain a constant heading.,,
ChartMan said:
Same for water.No need to earth anything that is plastic piped- greater risk of injury. Internal gas pipe should be earthed as it's in copper.
Still waiting for a proper answer.....

Yes internal gas and water pipes should be CONNECTED to earth BUT the gas or water pipes should not be used as earthing on it's own....