New kids on the block


Just having had a quick look at the threads on people looking to make their living as a trader, it seems to me you lot of old hands are a sinical lot of wingers who do not want anybody else to play thir game.
I am sure people who are begininning in this game know;
You must get your head right first
There is no foolproof 100% certain way forward
You will learn mistakes the hard way
And many other things, But no one seems to be positive and say THIS IS HOW TO DO IT,Everyone out there is willing to tell what can go wrong but not how to do it right.
Is it just the strugling traders are on here, and the succesful dont talk (or write) just do it.
I dont know !

Steve, do you need someone to tell you how to trade? Why would you want that? You can only be pointed in the right direction. See y'all later folks. Steve is right in a way, this site needs some fresh input. RUDEBOY. Laters!
steveb1 said:
Just having had a quick look at the threads on people looking to make their living as a trader, it seems to me you lot of old hands are a sinical lot of wingers who do not want anybody else to play thir game.
I am sure people who are begininning in this game know;
You must get your head right first
There is no foolproof 100% certain way forward
You will learn mistakes the hard way
And many other things, But no one seems to be positive and say THIS IS HOW TO DO IT,Everyone out there is willing to tell what can go wrong but not how to do it right.
Is it just the strugling traders are on here, and the succesful dont talk (or write) just do it.
I dont know !

You are right.
You must get your head right first

How right you are.

It took me over a year to realise this, but once I got my head around this most important of all concepts, it was full steam ahead.
steveb1 said:
But no one seems to be positive and say THIS IS HOW TO DO IT, Regards

There are many opposite points of view as to "this is the way" when i first started studying psychology expecting black and white, i soon came to know that there were just as many arguments for a way that people behave, countered by just as many arguments as to why this is not so..

Perhaps thats why you eventually see that you have to draw your own conclusions and it can take perhaps years to sift through all the pro's and cons of all aspects of trading.
i would suggest if you are beginning to perhaps pay attention to people who encourage you to question . You are better to maybe? understand the essence (the nature) of the, or a market. research that. That should then (if you still have the drive) to naturally put forward questions based on your exposure/insight/understanding of the essence.

So perhaps first question is what is the essence of "The Market"?

Then theres your own psychological mindset/beliefs who needs to follow through and act on any potential "objective trading rules" you, as we would like to believe? are more complex than the market right ?

How should we live our life ? who's rules ? not our own?
steveb1 said:
But no one seems to be positive and say THIS IS HOW TO DO IT,Everyone out there is willing to tell what can go wrong but not how to do it right.

That's because one trader's surefire entry is another's disaster. There are as many different ways to make money as there are traders. Trading is more of an art than science. You can never be told exactly how to create a successful painting. You can be given general ideas but not exact methods. Exactly same with trading. You can only be given the axioms, you have to create your own theorems.

In any case, there are literally thousands of free systems all over the internet, in boards like these. Plus there are many more thousands of books written by traders, so there is an information overload in the public domain.

I am guessing that you are in the beginning of your journey. We were all in that stage once. We all desparately hoped someone would tell (or sell) us their secret, killer, 100% successful system and we would be millionaires in 3 months. Sadly it doesn't work that way.