New comments about Crypto from WB


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Warren Buffett recently stated the following:

“Cryptocurrencies basically have no value and they don’t produce anything,” he told CNBC’s Becky Quick in a “Squawk Box” interview. “In terms of value: zero.”

“I don’t have any cryptocurrency and I never will,” added Buffett, who was interviewed two days after he released his annual shareholder letter.

Put that into your Bitcoin wallet and smoke it....
It is tricky I agree. I have actually read your article linked here before, somehow I found that before ever visiting T2W.

Today I read another article about how to spot a bullshitter. One of the tactics Bsers use, is to make really broad statements that disclude a lot of information. Buffett may be doing something similar with this, with Bitcoin. His public statements about Bitcoin are always very abrupt, while all of his quotes about investing are more well rounded.

Buffett also announced recently he got his first smart phone. He had always used a flip phone, and this is 2020. That says a lot about the guy, and he is coming up on 90 years old... but flip phones are better than smart phones, in my opinion but that is another discussion all together.

So between these two quotes above, he is halfway lying with both. I somewhat believe he does not own any Bitcoin himself, but Berkshire probably does, as I think they have a whole new department dedicated to crypto?

Either way, what Buffett says contains a lot of info on many topics so I do listen closely.
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