NeuroShell Trader v5.4 for sale


NeruoShell Day Trader Professional v5.4 for sale.

This is an original installation and full license transfer will be arranged with Ward Systems for the new owner. Transfer of license will enable you to get free upgrades, member's only software solutions and privileged access to NeurShell's forum.

Please check NeuroShell site for more information: NeurShell v5.xx

I can throw in some intraday data, one minute for US stock indices, like: e-mini NASDAQ, e-mini S&P, e-mini Russel and e-mini Dow Jones.

Price: US$ 2,000 or equivalent in GBP or Euros,
Payment method: cleared funds or PayPal.

Regards, dejan
Just out of curiosity, why do you sell NeuroShell?

I am a fan of the software myself ...

It is great software, but one really needs to set aside serious amounts of time in order to find something good. I just do not have enough time for that approach.

cheers, dejan
That is the price to pay for an edge. Markets are tough! You remind me of myself a few years back when I temporarily gave up on using NeuroShell. I thought it was all about the software. After trying other platforms, I eventually came back to it, adjusted my expectations and managed to make a small living from it since. I am glad I did '-)

Good Luck with your endeavour.
