Netdania to FXCM Netdania


Junior member
The Netdania company has updated their free charts. FXCM does not have the latest of these charts in their free area. Yet the FXCM data feed seems to be better than the one Netdania uses.

Question: How do we use the Netdania company chart updated studies on the FXCM Netdania chart which isn't updated?

1. Open up a ND company chart in a browser window - NetDania - FinanceChart - Application - Live forex charts, real-time forex charts, live currency charts .
2. Simultaneously open up a FXCM ND chart in a different browser or browser window - Live forex charts, real-time forex charts, live currency charts .
3. Detach and move both charts so that you can see them both at the same time.
4. Add any of the new indicators (studies) in the ND company chart that you want.
5. In the ND company chart, using the "Activate/deactivate Drag&drop" button (next to the "crosshair" button), drag your desired indicator to the FXCM ND chart.

With a little trial and error, you will see how easy this is. My experience is that once my FXCM ND chart is set up, I can close the ND company chart without adversely affecting the FXCM chart.

Since I don't get to this forum often, I may not be around to answer any questions.
