NeoTicker vs NinjaTrader for mechanical systems


Experienced member
I've read that two or three people on the forum have used NeoTicker and it would be great to find out any info on its pros and cons.

I'm using NinjaTrader 7 right now which is in beta so you have to expect bugs, but it's got to a point where it's just become unworkable with no resolution in sight. I use IB as my broker and their historical data "pacing violations" (which control how quickly you can download the backdata you need to start up indicators and systems) are met with errors and disconnects by NinjaTrader with knock-on errors too. Just a nightmare. And neither NinjaTrader nor IB are prepared to do any more about it

But NinjaTrader have great functionality so I want to jump ship to another package that can match it at least.

Does any know NeoTicker? What's the bug situation like there? How does it handle backdata with IB? I am happy to leave IB as well for MB Trading if necessary so that's not a sticking point.
I have found that NinjaTrader does not have intraday historical accuate data available. You can get daily data but no one has tick or minute data for any length much past a week. I think that is why they give you daily free, but tell you to get the other data from someone else. ( Nobody has it, and from what I have read if you do find it, you can't trust it).

I attended some of their online conferences, when I started asking how to get historical data and set my system to retrieve data, they would not answer my question, then they BLOCKED me from asking any question from that session and any future sessions.

I question whether the system will be worth much for back testing any intraday data!, of any size!.

When I do log back up to my broker for data the charts don't update, it seems that until they can figure out how to have updataed current data in the program, it is only good for live trading.

I don't know why they just don't fess up, they should make a disk up of accurate back data for their customers, and figure out a system to update the data in the program when you reconnect like other good programs do.

If you want no trouble ever with data, try Genesis Trade Navigator, they supply Data, and disks.

Have a Nice Day
Actually once you get data, NinjaTrader offers good functionality for backtesting. It has its problems, but I guess they all do.

Thanks for the input.