need to confirm some pricing


Junior member
Just want to confirm spread on my ig account
i am trading ftse by the hr and spread has just widened to 7+ points which is out of sink with usual if anybody is also using ig i would appreciate them checking there spread on this market I am sure i am just being paronoid but i am having a good day!!!!!!!!!!!

Unfortunatly not......
phoned them to have a moan was told by dealer that due to mmarket conditions?'/?/? that that was the spread at this time it was 9.9!!!!!!!!!! SO UN WORK ABLE .
they can change spread on binaries as and when.

Maybe our friend from IG can care to comment. PDAIGB any thoughts?
"Due to market conditions" - Is that the same as saying "The final outcome of the Binary is hard to tell and this means that the market swings are big hence making scalping easy for customers if we maintain the normal spread"

Looks like its in their T&C so not much you can do except complain of bad sportsmanship. (In my opinion of course).

Right on the button, same again today early in the hourly spread it is 10 points no way of making money.............without taking serious risk
Good for business I think not...
Are there any other binary offering sites other than binnex

thanks one very bumused trader.....................
Personally I've been messing about on

It's only a bit of a laugh that stops me making bad trades when markets are flat.

You can calculate your own fixed odds and market make if you want or you can trade on odds that others are offering.

I sometimes market make on Dow to finish up / down. It can get rather illiquid at times but seems to pick up during market hours.

I can't see it being possible to make more than £40 / £50 per day like that though unless you back bets yourself which in itself appears to lack market value.

Thanks stevespay,
I'll just maybe sit it out and wait for more favourable conditions (for ig obviously)
😕 😕 😕