J JohnsonG Newbie Messages 8 Likes 0 Sep 9, 2009 #1 Hey all how can I create a demo account for Phillip Financials? (PF trader) I went on their website but everything is Japanese, and when I click English it takes me to whole different site, PLEASE HELP. thank you
Hey all how can I create a demo account for Phillip Financials? (PF trader) I went on their website but everything is Japanese, and when I click English it takes me to whole different site, PLEASE HELP. thank you
D disi Member Messages 98 Likes 5 Sep 9, 2009 #2 Here you have LOGIN so there must be also register option around: ?????????????????Phillip Financials But don't ask me where! 🙂
Here you have LOGIN so there must be also register option around: ?????????????????Phillip Financials But don't ask me where! 🙂
D disi Member Messages 98 Likes 5 Sep 9, 2009 #3 Maybe here?: https://www.phillipfinancials.com/fx/ja/application/free_demo.php
J JohnsonG Newbie Messages 8 Likes 0 Sep 9, 2009 #4 Thank you disi, even though everything was in Japanese I somehow figured out how to create an demo account through the link you gave me. 🙂
Thank you disi, even though everything was in Japanese I somehow figured out how to create an demo account through the link you gave me. 🙂