Need help for tradestation code


Hello to all,
I'am french, so my english is not very top 😱 excuse me.
I have one question :
Can I automate this idea ?
Enter automatically in a position with a signal on a 1000 volume bar-chart, and then manage this trade on a 500 volume bar-chart ?
If yes, can you give me please the easylanguage code how makes it possible to integrate a 1000 volume bar and a 500 volume bar in the same system ?
Thank you very much.
Best regards
RR :idea:
You can do this, but it is pretty complicated and would involve the use of global variables. I personally prefer to avoid the use of those during any live trading. It might be easier to use a 500 chart and then try to manipulate your calculations based off of that since 2 500 bars = a single 1000 one if it is possible for you to do that. You might also be able to use a 1000 chart and then build synthetic bars off of that.
Yes you can do this. A bit too complicated to explain but go onto TS forum and see what glable variables can do. Better place to put this question is there.
much simpler would be to try doing the easylanguage in MultiCharts, which uses the same language but permits you to plot 1000vb and 500vb in the same chart
do any of your guys find it feasible to automate trading strats with TS without screen watching as well?

not really, I automate quite a lot but will never leave it for more than half a day without supervision. Main problem is that it may put in multiple limit orders where there should be one, will not pull orders entered as limits when positions closed. Often come back to the screen expecting to be flat to find I got reversed due to doubling up. I also know people who have lost a lot after leaving it running without supervision. TS is simply not robust enough to be used in this way.
not really, I automate quite a lot but will never leave it for more than half a day without supervision. Main problem is that it may put in multiple limit orders where there should be one, will not pull orders entered as limits when positions closed. Often come back to the screen expecting to be flat to find I got reversed due to doubling up. I also know people who have lost a lot after leaving it running without supervision. TS is simply not robust enough to be used in this way.

thanks TWI,

i guess there's abit to go with automation (at least with TS anyway)

out of interest, if you leave it for half a day on its own, how many trades approx are you talking about?

is there other products that would be robust enough?

thanks again for your post🙂
I have been running in full automation in TradeStation since 2004 and have executed well over 250,000 eMini contracts using it. I do not sit and watch the screens. I hate doing that. I am around working on code and testing, but I hardly ever have to do anything at all with the automation. There are things that can happen out of your control like a complete Internet outage and if you are off someplace else then that is going to bite you. I automate to remove me from having to do anything just to trade and gives me time to worry about more important stuff like writing code and testing things.

I have been running in full automation in TradeStation since 2004 and have executed well over 250,000 eMini contracts using it. I do not sit and watch the screens. I hate doing that. I am around working on code and testing, but I hardly ever have to do anything at all with the automation. There are things that can happen out of your control like a complete Internet outage and if you are off someplace else then that is going to bite you. I automate to remove me from having to do anything just to trade and gives me time to worry about more important stuff like writing code and testing things.


How do you deal with the issues TWI mentioned in his post?

250,000 contracts since 2004 is about 71,000 contracts a year or anywhere from 200 to 300 contracts a day.

Not even my friend who is a fund manager with 200 Million AUM does that many. Good for you.

I have been running in full automation in TradeStation since 2004 and have executed well over 250,000 eMini contracts using it. I do not sit and watch the screens. I hate doing that. I am around working on code and testing, but I hardly ever have to do anything at all with the automation. There are things that can happen out of your control like a complete Internet outage and if you are off someplace else then that is going to bite you. I automate to remove me from having to do anything just to trade and gives me time to worry about more important stuff like writing code and testing things.


hi Greg

thank you for your reply,

i guess if the software and algorthm code is stable the only thing that would cause a problem is the internet connection (or problem at broker end maybe)

if you don;t mind me asking, how many markets do you trade in this way?

interesting stuff
If you use only market orders and not limits it is probably easier to leave it alone. I execute about 3-4 trades/day automated.
I execute with only market orders. I don't have much use at all for limits or stops etc. FWIW, a guy who is trading 200 million can't trade very fast. It is a different ballgame. For me it was more like trading 70-150 eMini contracts at a time and doing trades from 1 to 12 trades per strategy per day. I don't hardly have any automation issues at all. I retired the guy where we were trading so many and now I have started with another fund and we are going to be trading a lot slower than I did in the past with a different trading goal and more akin to the larger AUM frameworks.
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I execute with only market orders. I don't have much use at all for limits or stops etc. FWIW, a guy who is trading 200 million can't trade very fast. It is a different ballgame. For me it was more like trading 70-150 eMini contracts at a time and doing trades from 1 to 12 trades per strategy per day. I don't hardly have any automation issues at all. I retired the guy where we were trading so many and now I have started with another fund and we are going to be trading a lot slower than I did in the past with a different trading goal and more akin to the larger AUM frameworks.

thank you StratOpt,

do you used TS8.3 for your automated trading?

(at the risk of sounding silly) what does larger AUM frameworks mean?

thanks again
Yes, I am currently using the latest version of TradeStation for the automation.

A larger AUM framework means that I am setting myself and my trading philosophy to be able to handle large sums of money. For instance with a large sum of money it would be impossible to successfully trade using something like the EMD eMini as your trading vehicle. You also can't scalp a very ticks here and there or even trade too often during a day. Things slow down quite a bit the more money you control and the also you are going to be required to spread that money out over a large number of various trading vehicles.
i intend to use tradestation for emini but tradestation's margins are killing. The day margin is $1100 and $4000 for night which is not affordable for me. Is there anyway, I can use tradestation with any other broker
You can run TS through a ninja trader interface, etc

I don't quite understand why a margin affects you ?
You can run TS through a ninja trader interface, etc

I don't quite understand why a margin affects you ?

When I checked with the Tradestation guys, they told me that if i have $10,000 in my account then I can ony take 8 contracts as each contract is for $1100, where as with my current broker, i can take 20 contracts logically
I don't see how taking 20 contracts on a 10K account is logical at all. Sounds more like the recipe for certain failure to me, but that is your money and your decision to make. Matter of fact, IMO, trading ONE contract on the 10K is pushing things in the real world.