Hello to all,
I'am french, so my english is not very top 😱 excuse me.
I have one question :
Can I automate this idea ?
Enter automatically in a position with a signal on a 1000 volume bar-chart, and then manage this trade on a 500 volume bar-chart ?
If yes, can you give me please the easylanguage code how makes it possible to integrate a 1000 volume bar and a 500 volume bar in the same system ?
Thank you very much.
Best regards
RR :idea:
I'am french, so my english is not very top 😱 excuse me.
I have one question :
Can I automate this idea ?
Enter automatically in a position with a signal on a 1000 volume bar-chart, and then manage this trade on a 500 volume bar-chart ?
If yes, can you give me please the easylanguage code how makes it possible to integrate a 1000 volume bar and a 500 volume bar in the same system ?
Thank you very much.
Best regards
RR :idea: