Need Canadian Brokerage account for Shorting and Selling Penny Stocks


Hi there,

Im hoping someone can help me out with a few questions. Ive been investing in some companies since November 2010 but found it to be boring and wanted to start day trading. Im currently learning about shorting and have traded a few penny stocks. But, realized that the brokerage firm Im with doesnt allow shorting stocks under $5. Her are my questions or better yet what im looking for:

1) A canadian brokerage firm (or american if need be) that I can transfer money to and from my bank easily with no fee.

2) a brokerage firm that i can have unlimited or close to unlimited trades (shorts and longs)

3) I want to be able to short or trade ANY penny stocks withouth having to call the brokerage firm up to do so.

Any ideas or advice about this and/or penny stocks/shorting etc...would be greatly appreciated.
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