Need 2 Understand the Terminology



Only been trading almost two months, all day on the days I'm not working. I find the days I'm working are the days that would be most profitable had I stayed home trading. Very frustrating to hear the market is down 10 point on my lunch hour knowing darn well it will have recovered by the time I got home.... and it did. 😡

I'm here to learn the Trade jargon. I don't understand half the stuff I'm reading. A lot I find very interesting, but most of it I just don't get.

I would also love to understand the Depth of Market better. I see patterns that are most always consistent... until I'm ready to hit the button. Yes I fear hitting the freakin button. My first week was nearly devastating, but have recovered about a quarter of what I lost since then.

I'm an absolute idiot and I probably don't belong here doing this type of work. I feel my broker is laughing at me all the way to the bank. I can feel their tension having to speak with me during the two conversations we've had. Hince the importance of learning the jargon...:smart:

I have to say though... so far... even with the major setbacks already... I really love doing this and I'm so glad I've given it a try. I obviously still have so much to learn and I would love to succeed as much as anyone else here.

I have major trust issues with my broker, but their cheap and established from what I can gather so far. Therefore I'm grateful for finding this forum and look forward to reading about some of the few pit falls and hopefully many triumphs experienced by others here. For this I thank you in advance and hope to offer my own contribution in the future.

Happy Trading!

Angry Jack😡
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Hi Jack,
Welcome to T2W.

A little tip for you if I may: ditch the anger - especially if it's directed at the markets. A strong emotion like that is far more likely to hinder your performance than it is to help it!

With regard to the jargon, add this Traderpedia Index page to your favourites. Every time you read a word you don't know - check it out here - and you'll be up top speeed in no time at all. Additionally, when you first registered, you should have received an e-mail with some links to get you started. The main one being Essentials Of First Steps - which contains a glossary covering many of the most common terms used.
Hi Jack,
Welcome to T2W.

A little tip for you if I may: ditch the anger - especially if it's directed at the markets. A strong emotion like that is far more likely to hinder your performance than it is to help it!

With regard to the jargon, add this Traderpedia Index page to your favourites. Every time you read a word you don't know - check it out here - and you'll be up top speeed in no time at all. Additionally, when you first registered, you should have received an e-mail with some links to get you started. The main one being Essentials Of First Steps - which contains a glossary covering many of the most common terms used.

Hi Tim!

Agree'd!! Positive energy will catapult us into success much quicker than anger along with embracing the daily challenge which is essential in defeating the fear to hit the button. Believe me when I say... I'm working on it.

Many many thanks for the links provided. I discovered Traderpedia last night after I finished my introduction, but I will hit "Essentials" first thing this morning.

Again, many thanks!
You are going through the same process all new trades experience so it's normal. Becoming a profitable trader is a journey and there's no shortcut to get there. Take your time, there's no rush. The markets will always be there and no matter how great an opportunity looks, if you miss it, you can be sure there will be more.


Only been trading almost two months, all day on the days I'm not working. I find the days I'm working are the days that would be most profitable had I stayed home trading. Very frustrating to hear the market is down 10 point on my lunch hour knowing darn well it will have recovered by the time I got home.... and it did. 😡

I'm here to learn the Trade jargon. I don't understand half the stuff I'm reading. A lot I find very interesting, but most of it I just don't get.

I would also love to understand the Depth of Market better. I see patterns that are most always consistent... until I'm ready to hit the button. Yes I fear hitting the freakin button. My first week was nearly devastating, but have recovered about a quarter of what I lost since then.

I'm an absolute idiot and I probably don't belong here doing this type of work. I feel my broker is laughing at me all the way to the bank. I can feel their tension having to speak with me during the two conversations we've had. Hince the importance of learning the jargon...:smart:

I have to say though... so far... even with the major setbacks already... I really love doing this and I'm so glad I've given it a try. I obviously still have so much to learn and I would love to succeed as much as anyone else here.

I have major trust issues with my broker, but their cheap and established from what I can gather so far. Therefore I'm grateful for finding this forum and look forward to reading about some of the few pit falls and hopefully many triumphs experienced by others here. For this I thank you in advance and hope to offer my own contribution in the future.

Happy Trading!

Angry Jack😡

You need to read a book called
Come into my Trading Room (New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc –
2002) by Elder, Alexandra.

there is a learning curve for all traders and we all have to go through them... even the bad ones... but thats what makes the better trader.