NatWest lose mortgage case


Senior member
Last week, a local man (Stockport) appeared in court on a charge bought by NatWest. He hadn't made a mortgage payment on his house since 1993, and NatWest were seeking a repossession.

The judge threw out the case, saying the man could keep his house becuse he had automatically qualified for squatters rights, being in a property for 15 years.

The judge said this will be of interest to both mortgagees and mortgagors. NatWest were not happy. A spokesman from their legal department said they had many cases like this on their books.

Well done, my lord, and up yours NW.

Well done? Wtf? How about taking responsibility for paying your debts?

Of course if Natwest did nothing for fifteen years then I have no sympathy as there has to be a statute of limitations somewhere. But I assume (possibly very naively!) they weren't that retarded and this guy has essentially committed bank robbery and had it sanctioned by the courts.
they're all on the fiddle in Stockport
Not like us posh people in Cheadle Heath 😎

Grant, is the Hungry Horse still in CH on the corner ? Used to be my local years and years ago

Of course one should take responsibility for personal debt. However, we’re all subject, either through choice or coercion, to the rules of the banks.

The banks have, and continue, to sh1t on their customers – illegal bank charges of millions/billions over the years, taking x days to make transfers/honour cheques and making interest in the interim. If someone gets one over on them, fine by me. And fine by the judge apparently. Fuuck NW.


Indeed, The Hungry Horse is still there. Value of property in CH has declined pretty rapidly since the gypsies moved out. Unless I’m slumming it or looking to score/buy a gun I keep away.


What on earth were NW doing 15 years ?1?

Smoking pot ?



Of course one should take responsibility for personal debt. However, we’re all subject, either through choice or coercion, to the rules of the banks.

The banks have, and continue, to sh1t on their customers – illegal bank charges of millions/billions over the years, taking x days to make transfers/honour cheques and making interest in the interim. If someone gets one over on them, fine by me. And fine by the judge apparently. Fuuck NW.


Indeed, The Hungry Horse is still there. Value of property in CH has declined pretty rapidly since the gypsies moved out. Unless I’m slumming it or looking to score/buy a gun I keep away.


Aahh, yes those lovely gypsy chappies. They've gone ? so who now is responsible for polluting the Mersey with dead bodies ?

Printers' probably best for a gun, or the boozer opposite, name escapes me. :cheesy:
But names are flooding back to me, boozers I havenae thought of in years. Carpe Diem,White Hart, and of course the Armoury at Edgeley. Site of many a lock-in when we got back late from a game in Glasgow on a Saturday night.....

Of course one should take responsibility for personal debt. However, we’re all subject, either through choice or coercion, to the rules of the banks.

The banks have, and continue, to sh1t on their customers – illegal bank charges of millions/billions over the years, taking x days to make transfers/honour cheques and making interest in the interim. If someone gets one over on them, fine by me. And fine by the judge apparently. Fuuck NW.


Indeed, The Hungry Horse is still there. Value of property in CH has declined pretty rapidly since the gypsies moved out. Unless I’m slumming it or looking to score/buy a gun I keep away.


Completely agree! The banks have been taking the public a*se for time immemorial.

Just look at the mortgage maths, lets say for a repayment mortgage. The funny way it works where you could be paying loads back, but see not much of the principal repaid!

Daylight robbery I say!

I hope these banks really get up theirs for a change. Not that one failed case is going to affect their {rather bulky} balance sheet, but sure gives me loads of pleasure :clap:

And the w*nkers who ran Northern wreck should be put in jail for at least 20 years.

The gippoes went – they heard Yararob may be moving into the area (even gypsies have standards,).

“responsible for polluting the Mersey with dead bodies”? Whoever I pay (unless they owe me).

Adswood is now the place to live in Cheshire – stockbrokers, barristers, Man Utd players, smack dealers. Deprivation is two Porsches over a year old in the drive. Fake tans, highlights and Gucci. They’ve all moved out of Prestbury – gypsies moved in apparently.

Never drink up that end – usually too badly beaten and drunk to walk from the boozers in Mersey Square (it’s all fun).


I’ll drink to that. May there be many more.


The gippoes went – they heard Yararob may be moving into the area (even gypsies have standards,).

“responsible for polluting the Mersey with dead bodies”? Whoever I pay (unless they owe me).

Adswood is now the place to live in Cheshire – stockbrokers, barristers, Man Utd players, smack dealers. Deprivation is two Porsches over a year old in the drive. Fake tans, highlights and Gucci. They’ve all moved out of Prestbury – gypsies moved in apparently.

Never drink up that end – usually too badly beaten and drunk to walk from the boozers in Mersey Square (it’s all fun).


I’ll drink to that. May there be many more.


well we knew Prestbury had had it years ago when Dr. Beckham and Princess Victoria moved into Alderley Edge