

hi ,blindpugh here i havent posted in a long time,i was one of many caught out buying natrocell, i had resigned myself to receiving a pitance from the administator as i had a proper share certificate,i have been contacted by a company called mathisen financial wanting to by my shares but in eletronic form dtc or dwac as the cheapest is $3500 to convert to dtc, how can i be sure they can be changed, i have been sent contracts to sign,the return would be good but i dont want to throw good money away,has anyone out there been contacted or have heard anything good or bad about this any help at all on this would be great. thanks blindpugh.
hi ,blindpugh here i havent posted in a long time,i was one of many caught out buying natrocell, i had resigned myself to receiving a pitance from the administator as i had a proper share certificate,i have been contacted by a company called mathisen financial wanting to by my shares but in eletronic form dtc or dwac as the cheapest is $3500 to convert to dtc, how can i be sure they can be changed, i have been sent contracts to sign,the return would be good but i dont want to throw good money away,has anyone out there been contacted or have heard anything good or bad about this any help at all on this would be great. thanks blindpugh.

They are scammers trying to set you up again. They are going to steal that money and disappear, you can be 100% certain of that. This is just part of tge scamming process, first they 'sell' you worthless shares then, assuming you to be a mug, they hit you again under a different name. This will go on until they have bled you dry.

Do not even consider giving them any money they are thieves.
we have also been contacted by Mathisen Financial. They want to "buy" our Paco shares. We were scammed when we bought the PACO shares, so I am 100% convinced Mathisen are also a scam company - however, they keep ringing us, from New I let them talk for hours. Its their bill. They wont be getting a PENNY out of us - I shall also be reporting them to whoever I can!
we have also been contacted by Mathisen Financial. They want to "buy" our Paco shares. We were scammed when we bought the PACO shares, so I am 100% convinced Mathisen are also a scam company - however, they keep ringing us, from New I let them talk for hours. Its their bill. They wont be getting a PENNY out of us - I shall also be reporting them to whoever I can!

hello, can you please let us know that you have hear from blackwell assco, new york.
or windgatr york.
As PB says you're being setup for an advance fee fraud where they 'promise' a big payday but first you have to pay some money in the form os a 'refundable fee' etc. It's ALL lies and if you fall for it then your money WILL be stolen again as you're talking to the same scammers that ripped you off originally.

Also bear in mind that EVERY phone call you receive from a 'company' offering shares, investments, futures, options etc is a scammer. No ifs or buts, they're all lowlife lying thieves.

hello, can you please let us know that you have hear from blackwell assco, new york.
or windgatr york.

Could you check the spellings and repost the names. You may be referring to Windgate Security Management and perhaps Blackwood Associates but I can't be sure because your spellings don't make sense.

In any case if you bought shares from them after they phoned you then you have been scammed.
Actually there are a couple of scams with Blackwell in the name as well. It doesn't look good but the proper spellings will allow us to give you specific details.
natrocell shares,
windgate security management,1335 Yale st.Lexington ave. new york.U.S.A.10019.ref s.adamson.
blackwell & york.Ref j.lane.
above 2 people have beencalling all the time.
by the way have you hear about manor
the are also selling shares.???
Windgate Security Management are a confirmed scam, there is a government warning about them.

Manor Rose seem to be a land banking scam,

I cant find Blackwell but you can be assured if they called you about investments they are a scam. Remember every single call you get about investments is a scam, they are just trying to steal your money. If you have bought shares off them before then your money is gone.

please don't buy any more shares from anyone calling you 🙂

i kinda want to be called by one of these scammers, they must be amazingly convincing

hello, has any one heard from manor rose london. they are selling carbon credit trading.???


If you look at the post above you'll see they were operating as a land banking scam. Carbon credits must just be the latest way of taking money off people. If you give them your money you'll never see it again.

If you deal with any of these cold callers you will regret it, they are all out to steal your money.
Reg S shares are a nightmare don't get involved. Natrocell is bust so don't waste time and money with ANYONE who offers help and wants an upfront fee. I have been recently approached by a company to buy my PACO shares but have to paid the fee to remove Restrictive Legend - NO CHANCE