Nasdaq day-trading tutors


Active member
Although similar topics have been discussed in some of the recent threads, this is my attempt to have a civil discussion about NASDAQ day trading seminars (particularly in the absence of the seminar reviews).

In this thread, I'd like to discuss three tutors:
Mr Charts,
Naz, and

I have utmost respect for each of them and their professional ability from what I have seen on T2W. The point of this thread is for me to try and compare the seminars and decide which one would the best for me should I decide to trade NASDAQ stocks in the evenings.

Please do not reduce this to a slanging match. I am only interested about comments from students who have attended any of the courses, not from people who have a grudge to settle. If you haven't attended any of the seminars, I'd suggest you do not comment, given the history of threads like these.

I am thinking about intra-day trading because that would be another weapon in my arsenal (in addition to EOD trading) when I am eventually made redundant (or get sick of my employer and quit). My EOD trading is going fine but I cannot yet make a living out of it given the amount of money that remains tied up in positions (my account is not that big yet). I see intra-day trading as a more efficient use of my capital, should I need to use it.

I am not someone who blames the tutor for failing to make money. I have been trained in EOD trading by another tutor and I have made it work. If trained by the right professional intra-day trader, I KNOW that I WILL make it work.

Ongoing mentoring is an extremely important criterion. I must be able to ask questions whenever I get stuck and there must not be a cut-off date. I know Richard has a support website for his students with ongoing updates, what about the Alan and Paul?

Even more important: what sort of techniques were you taught? For example, I don't see myself ever using Fibonacci, I just don't like the sound of it. I know Naz uses Fibs, but is that a must for a Naz student to trade effectively or are his other set-ups enough to make money? I know they all teach price-volume analysis with level 2: do they teach retracement set-ups, reversals or breakouts (or all of them)? What is the maximum risk students are advised to take per trade? Once a position is opened, is the trade management more mechanical or discretionary?

Please mention anything else (without breaching the confidentiality agreement) that may help a prospective student.

Thank you all, and let's keep it civilised.

PS. I'd be particularly interested to know from students who were taught by both Alan and Richard, as some of you were. Do you think the two courses complement each other or are they vastly different in terms of set-ups and techniques each with its own merits? There is very little info on T2W regarding Paul's course, so any comments from a student would be valuable.
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