My Trading Journal Peaceful_Warrior


Junior member
I started posting my trades on meetpips but got to caught up in the trades to post the start.

So I thought why not put the completed trades here.

DEAL Closing trades 14/02/09 Spot FX GBP/USD - 1.45026 $ -3 1.4413 $2,688.00
DEAL Closing trades 14/02/09 Spot FX GBP/USD - 1.4439 $ -1 1.44695 $-305.00
DEAL Closing trades 14/02/09 Spot FX GBP/USD - 1.44499 $ -1 1.44485 $14.00
DEAL Closing trades 14/02/09 Spot FX GBP/USD - 1.45031 $ -1 1.44882 $149.00
DEAL Closing trades 13/02/09 Spot FX GBP/USD - 1.45599 $ -10 1.453 $2,990.00
DEAL Closing trades 13/02/09 Spot FX GBP/USD - 1.44228 $ +1 1.4433 $102.00

Total $5638.00 USD
$8,556.04 AUD
I took the referrence codes out to make it clearer. Also the two different figures are because I trade in USD and live in the land of OZ so converted back to own currency.

This is just a test of a system that I will be using next week to play a game on two separate accounts, and yes before anyone asks it is a live account.

The first account I will be using, will start of with one mini contract leveraged 1:750 approximately.
The second account I will be using, will start of with one standard contract leveraged 1:750 approximately.

Will trade first account (account A) first until have reached a target of approximately 53-54 pips, then will trade the second account (account B) until I reach 53-54 pips or when getting tired.

The aim is to see how much I can generate in three to four weeks (3-4 days trading per week) of trading.

may i know what broker you use? got leverage until 1:750 ???

The one I use for this sort of leverage is IG Markets.

Its all in the order ticket, you adjust your stop loss and it manipulates the margin required for the trade.

i.e a standard lot will cost me $344.31 USD with a 20 point stop on GBP/USD or
a standard lot will cost me $266.06 USD with a 20 point stop on AUD/USD

Which means that for the AUD/USD pair I only need 26 to 27 points to double my money, but on the other side it only takes a few pips in the other direction and you will most likely need to change your pants to a browne friendly colour.

So with a 1 pip gain you make $10 US dollars which is around $15 AUD give or take.

Now I tend to scalp so my stops are sometimes even closer which means I will pay even less for a standard contract, which inturn means the leverage goes up as well.

After sharing this let it be known that this is not for everyone, I have been trading for over 15 years and gone through some highs and lows and highs again.

I hope this helps

The one I use for this sort of leverage is IG Markets.

Its all in the order ticket, you adjust your stop loss and it manipulates the margin required for the trade.

i.e a standard lot will cost me $344.31 USD with a 20 point stop on GBP/USD or
a standard lot will cost me $266.06 USD with a 20 point stop on AUD/USD

Which means that for the AUD/USD pair I only need 26 to 27 points to double my money, but on the other side it only takes a few pips in the other direction and you will most likely need to change your pants to a browne friendly colour.

So with a 1 pip gain you make $10 US dollars which is around $15 AUD give or take.

Now I tend to scalp so my stops are sometimes even closer which means I will pay even less for a standard contract, which inturn means the leverage goes up as well.

After sharing this let it be known that this is not for everyone, I have been trading for over 15 years and gone through some highs and lows and highs again.

I hope this helps


you seems to be really sure which way market going.. mind teaching some of us here how you scalp your trade? 🙂
Hi everyonerich,

Here is the position that I am in, when it comes down to systems that I use yes I am extremely sure with a high probability that is where the market is going or I would not be trading the way I do. When it comes down to sharing the system that I use unfortunately I get paid a lot of money to design them and it would be unethical of me to share it with you while others are paying good money to use them.

However I can give advice on how to look at a system and see where the flaws are with that system and then how to improve that system or the approach a trader requires to be successful like mind set, belief structure's and so fourth.

I hope you can understand the position that I am in as I do enjoy sharing my knowledge where I can, but also I have learned over the years that people have to be ready to hear what is being said, for example some people believe that making 30-60% a year is good and when they are shown that you can make much more than this safely, they can go places as it is confronting their belief systems, where they believed something to be true and now realise that it is not and that can sometimes be hard to deal with.

I wish you all the best with your trading and will continue to read your posts and share with you and the community where I can.


I like that leverage

I like it a lot
So no pointer to the where the broker is?
Sorry for not posting lately but I don't know if you heard of the bush fires in Victoria Australia but I lost 2 cusions in the fire and have been to say a little distracted.

Will be posting and back in the game later in the week or early next week.

Sorry for not posting lately but I don't know if you heard of the bush fires in Victoria Australia but I lost 2 cusions in the fire and have been to say a little distracted.

Will be posting and back in the game later in the week or early next week.


Sorry to hear that, hope all your other family/friends are ok.