My new swing trade strategy


Junior member
New system I am developing, It's a manual system so far 62% profit with 10% drawdown. I am using zipsignals to record the trades and hopefully make some money on it. Have a look on zipsignals under the name tony2806 and let me know your thoughts
Very tough week last , still managed to profit, account is now at 75% profit, over 2200 pips profit in 8 weeks with drawdown now at 16%
Funny, since the website you're linking says your drawdown is 46.13%, with 138.7% return over 17 weeks.
It's not that funny! Your looking at the wrong system. 8 weeks trading 2222 Pips profit and 76% profit, It trades 3% per trade

I think you are looking at a different system which trades 5% sizes,

Let me know if you need help.
Just to clarify, I have 2 systems there.
One is higher risk which trades 5% account size. This system has made 136% profit in 17 weeks with a drawdown of 46 %

The second is lower risk trading 3% size. This has made a profit of 76% with a drawdown of 16%.

I should have made this a little clearer before.

Sorry about that......
how long have you been using this system and how would we know its not just in a good phase with a huge drawdown ahead?
Have worked on it for over a year, the drawdown, I do my best to cut loosing trades as soon as I can , you can see this in the history, i have no way of telling you what future results will be.
I would like to think they will be much of the same. Keep an eye
I am not sure whether a 46% drawdown is OK or very very bad. Where exactly does that number come from?

It means at some stage the account went down 46%. That is not saying that if the account started at $5000 it was down by 46% to $2700 at some stage.
If the account started at $5000 the lowest this account went to was $4384.
It is all documented on the site.
Also any client that sign up to zipsignals have total control of their account. If a person has a balance of $10,000 they can allocate an amount to each system.
On this system you are referring to (drawdown 46%) i trade 5% size.
My lower risk system I use 3% size. If $5000 were ones starting balance the lowest the account would have seen is $4880
(The guys at zip signals will explain this a lot better than me)
Weather this is good or very, very bad depends on your risk tolerance.
I am very happy with my performance. I hope it stays this way...

I am not sure whether a 46% drawdown is OK or very very bad. Where exactly does that number come from?
A total of 4384 on a 5000 account is, to me, a drawdown of 12%, which needs a profit of 14% to get back to break-even. A whole lot better than trading back to level from 54% of the original account.

It means at some stage the account went down 46%. That is not saying that if the account started at $5000 it was down by 46% to $2700 at some stage.
If the account started at $5000 the lowest this account went to was $4384.
It is all documented on the site.
Also any client that sign up to zipsignals have total control of their account. If a person has a balance of $10,000 they can allocate an amount to each system.
On this system you are referring to (drawdown 46%) i trade 5% size.
My lower risk system I use 3% size. If $5000 were ones starting balance the lowest the account would have seen is $4880
(The guys at zip signals will explain this a lot better than me)
Weather this is good or very, very bad depends on your risk tolerance.
I am very happy with my performance. I hope it stays this way...

A drawdown is the maximum difference from high to low at any time during the test or trial period. The fact that it doesn't happen at the beginning of YOUR trial period is simply a function of when you started. Suppose the trial period started on the day that the maximum drawdown occurred. The account would have lost 46% of the original capital. There's no way to know ahead of time when the maximum drawdown will occur or when someone using the software will start. The lowest the account was at 4880 in your trial period is completely irrelevant .


Higher risk system ( 5% trade size)
Profit is 2470 pips or 150% and drawdown still at 46%. 19 weeks trading

3% trade size
Profit 2515 pips or 85%. Drawdown is the same as last updated 16%. 10 weeks trading

both accounts are on the increase.