Mutual Fund Broker help needed


I am looking to trade profunds mutual funds, since they are no transaction fee, and a lot of brokers also forego their short term redemption fee because of their short term trading nature. Does anyone know of a broker where i could trade these with absolutly zero fees, and a 500$ minimun initial investment? (for the fund, not the broker)

I use scottrade now but it takes too many days for stuff to post. I bought a fund on thursday and it wasn't available to sell on friday. Due to the nature of the funds i am looking for one day quick hits, and theirs isnt cutting the mustard.

Any referrals would be much appreciated, thanks!
you can buy direct from the fund itself
if you have an online broker like scottrade or etrade you can buy the fund through them

if you need/want someone to hold your hand while you buy or after you buy,, then expect to pay extra for their time.
More and more brokerage companies and mutual funds are adding redemption fees. No-load mutual funds are adding the fees even when you have an account with the fund family. Why? The fund managers are paid their 6-figure salaries not on how much profit they make for you but on the amount of money they have under management. He can generate big money for himself while you lose.The whole idea of the mutual fund was to have a professional manager make money for you yet last year more than 95% of stock mutual funds lost money. It is pretty obvious you don't need this guy to mangle your cash.In the future before you purchase any fund ask the broker of there is any kind of redemption fee. If there is then find another fund and/or another broker. Discount brokers are the best because their brokers are not allowed to give you advice. You will find that advice from a broker is a eulogy for your money.Green Deal