Multiple Email Accounts


Legendary member
Don't know if anyone else uses more than one email account, but it's a real pain to have to switch through all your identities to see on which you've got any email .

Mail Magic (free) sits on your status bar and checks all your email accounts at a user-configured frequency and lets you know when you've got any email on your server and details of each email you've got in each of your accounts.

You've even got size and sender info to let you decide if its worth firing up your email (OE, Exchange, Outlook) to get your emails down from your ISP's server - or to simply kill them there and then.

Been using this for months now and it's a real time saver. The number of emails I've killed on the server without needing to download has made it an extremely worthwhile addition to my status bar.

Pretty simple to configure and I fully recommend it.
Excellent Bramble,
Just downloaded it and its a godsend!
Fro the info of anybody out there Ive been getting bombarded with the mydoom virus for the last two days. Every time I checked my email with opera I got it again, easily sorted using Free AVG virus checker, but time consuming none the less. However this allows me to check the srever without downloading any message bodies. The virus always arrives as a mail notification error or similar, check avg site for details. I think this started when I went to winmx file sharing for the first time 3 days ago, cant be sure but not recommended, never again.
If you havent got a virus checker get one because chances are you are carrying mydoom!