Multi Screens for a PC


Hello, anybody out there can advise on the cheapest way to setup a PC to have 4 - 5 screens running. I am guessing a new graphics card specifically for the job.
Any recomrnended dealers?
Anything else thats required? If so , what and wheres the cheapest place to buy it?...

All help gratefully recieved 👍

Hello, anybody out there can advise on the cheapest way to setup a PC to have 4 - 5 screens running. I am guessing a new graphics card specifically for the job.
Any recomrnended dealers?
Anything else thats required? If so , what and wheres the cheapest place to buy it?...

All help gratefully recieved 👍


NVidia NVS280 PCI and/or NVS285 PCI-E cards. Get them on eBay. Price around $50. You can connect 2 monitors per card.
NVidia NVS280 PCI and/or NVS285 PCI-E cards. Get them on eBay. Price around $50. You can connect 2 monitors per card.

I second that. Excellent video cards, no fans (hence no noise), very cheap to buy used, and stable drivers from NVIDIA! 👍
I just built a PC for a multi monitor set up. Total cost for all the parts was about £340 (from ebuyer).

I bought 2 x Nvidia PCI Express Cards (about £50 each is all you need for a trading set up). Intel Dual Core Duo 6600. Corsair Ram.

It runs perfectly and is extremely fast. I have run it with 3 trading platforms open, 6 seperate MetaTrader 4 apps running Expert advisors and a few IE pages and it still does as its told straight away.

Recommendations for a Multiple Monitor Computer Setup

Here is a great article section I found at (A beginners introduction to Multiple Monitors)

The Three main ways to Setup Multiple Monitors

1) You can buy a pre-manufactured multiple monitor computer. The best place to purchase a multiple monitor computer is at:
They carry a multi-monitor computer line called SUPER-PC that can support from 2 to 12 monitors.

Multi-Screen Computer Systems

Multiple Monitor LCD Displays

2) You can get a USB to VGA Adapter, or USB to DVI Adapter that will allow you to add an extra monitor to your computer
via any USB2.0 Port. You can also add multiple extra monitors by using multiple adapters. This is a great option for viewing
documents, surfing the web, using Microsoft Office and many other business tasks. This is not a good option for intense
graphical situations such as HDTV, Blu-ray, Gaming and 3D / CAD Workstation applications. For those types of scenarios,
it is highly recommended that you purchase a high-powered multi-monitor workstation or a Matrox Dual or Triple Head2Go.

Multiple Monitor Adapters

3) You can replace or add an extra video card to your existing computer, depending on how many monitors you wish to support.
Although this sounds easy enough, this is a rather complex solution for a beginner, especially when trying to find a compatible
graphics card. For this reason, I am going to write an entirely seperate post on that topic and will link to it here, very soon.

Multi-Monitor Graphics Cards

Once you have your multiple monitor system set up and ready to use, you will need to enable all of your monitors in
your “Display Properties” Control Panel. Here is a great link to a complete and animated walkthrough of how to enable
your multiple monitors in Windows.

How to Setup Multiple Monitors (Instructions)

This is what it will look like when you are done:

Multi-Monitor Video Demo 1
Hello, anybody out there can advise on the cheapest way to setup a PC to have 4 - 5 screens running. I am guessing a new graphics card specifically for the job.
Any recomrnended dealers?
Anything else thats required? If so , what and wheres the cheapest place to buy it?...

All help gratefully recieved 👍


Adding GFx cards is easy .. make sure you know you Motherboard well.
I mean .. How many PCI express slots you have..any latest cheap .. PCI and PCI express card < 50 bucks can support about 2 monitors. these cards have their own memories so you dont have to worry abot the you RAM being burdened.
Most importantly .. if you are using different TYPE of cards make sure they are compatible. and can use the same driver series. This means ATI will work with other ATI's and Geforce with other Geforce cards. Also, within same platforms make sure drivers for those two cards are same family/compatible. you can get this info on the driver release notes.
I have 5 screens running with two Geforce 9800GT and a PCI Geforce 6200gt cards with no problems.
Dont but NVS 440 or the one sthat support 4 monitors on one cards.. just waste of money...unless you dont care.
lemme know if you have any addictional questions.

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